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Aug 19, 2016
A friend of mine has just upgraded from a cig a like to his 1st proper vape kit, he got it from eBay without really any clue what he was buying.
I think it's the pico squeeze (not sure if it's a clone)
It arrived with no coils or cotton so I said I would make him some coils and wick it for him.
My problem is how much cotton is used. Do you just wick it like a dripper?
Do you have to make sure the holes are covered?
I have never used a squank so a bit clueless as to getting it right for him.
Thanks in advance
Wick like a dripper so the cotton reaches the bottom I would say. Not sure if the coral RDA is like the kanger one but if so you need to align it so the air hits them and doesn't just flow over them.
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