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WIN A Yachtvape Eclipse DTL RTA and Likitless eJuice of your choice from Manabush


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 18, 2012
Hola POTVers


Right as promised .. Its competition Time!

This competition is to win one of the truly Awesome Yachtvape Eclipse DTL Rta’s designed by Yachtvape and Mike Vapes - my own opinion about this atomiser that is very much out of my wheel house can be found HERE.

On top of that you get a choice of a 50ml Of Likitless E-liquid, created by @Ilker.

Of the two or three Ive tried .. I can honestly say these are great e-liquids.

To win this bonza bundle all you need to reply to this thread (preferably quoting the last person as well .. just to make choosing a winner easier!) with the answer to this question :

What were the names of the FIRST EVER three liquids by Manabush ?

This may not be quite as easy as you think, and may require some research.

Answers below - please keep it tidy!

At the end of the competition which will be at some point next week .. correct answering posts will be bobbed through a random number generator and the winner picked.

Also .. Its not a demand on the comp .. but a like for us AND for Yachtvape on Instagram, FaecesBook etc would be much appreciated :)

Have at it Me Hearties!

PS : sadly due to post n stuff .. UK Only

UPDATE - I shall refrain from telling anyone if the answer are right ... so no one knows till the end.
Last edited:
1. knome. Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
2. gary68 Nokomis/ Chiri /Powwow
1. knome. Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
2. gary68 Nokomis/ Chiri /Powwow
3. BULLDOG1964 Nanabozho / Powwow Sauce / Ixcacoa.
1. knome. Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
2. gary68 Nokomis/ Chiri /Powwow
3. BULLDOG1964 Nanabozho / Powwow Sauce / Ixcacoa.
4. Astral: Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce.
1. knome. Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
2. gary68 Nokomis/ Chiri /Powwow
3. BULLDOG1964 Nanabozho / Powwow Sauce / Ixcacoa.
4. Astral: Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce.
5. Amnesiac - Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce
Thanks for the opportunity :)
1. knome. Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
2. gary68 Nokomis/ Chiri /Powwow
3. BULLDOG1964 Nanabozho / Powwow Sauce / Ixcacoa.
4. Astral: Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce.
5. Amnesiac - Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce
6. oORobOo - Manabush Series: Prairie Dawn, High Noon and Sunset Canyon

Thanks for the chance :)
Last edited:
1. knome. Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
2. gary68 Nokomis/ Chiri /Powwow
3. BULLDOG1964 Nanabozho / Powwow Sauce / Ixcacoa.
4. Astral: Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce.
5. Amnesiac - Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce
6. Manabush Series: Prairie Dawn, High Noon and Sunset Canyon
7.Mutley1.Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
Thanks for the lovely prizes ZT :)

1. knome. Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
2. gary68 Nokomis/ Chiri /Powwow
3. BULLDOG1964 Nanabozho / Powwow Sauce / Ixcacoa.
4. Astral: Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce.
5. Amnesiac - Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce
6. oORobOo - Manabush Series: Prairie Dawn, High Noon and Sunset Canyon
7. Mutley1.Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
8. andipandi - High Noon, Prairie Dawn & Sunset Canyon
1. knome. Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
2. gary68 Nokomis/ Chiri /Powwow
3. BULLDOG1964 Nanabozho / Powwow Sauce / Ixcacoa.
4. Astral: Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce.
5. Amnesiac - Nokomis / Chiri / Powwow Sauce
6. Manabush Series: Prairie Dawn, High Noon and Sunset Canyon
7.Mutley1.Prairie Dawn. High Noon. Sunset Canyon
8. Lucas James 27: Prairie Dawn, High Noon, Sunset Canyon.

Thank you very much for the chance to win these great prizes.
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