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WTF? Oumier Wasp Nano MTL RTA

I always thought the purpose of nr r nr wire was so the legs don’t heat up. Does the deck require a coil with long legs?
I've fitted in a 3mm easily though I had to thin the wicking, I am using mine a fair bit shoved on top of an Eleaf iJust Mini - sub £20 car setup :)

If Oumier have learned their lesson then a V2 with airflow restriction would be superb.

I can see round wire fitting but the fused clapton is more bulky and might be a bit too tight. Gonna give it a try tho. If it doesn't fit I'll try and find something in between or try round wire.

100% agree. A v2 with revised airflow would be A+

I always thought the purpose of nr r nr wire was so the legs don’t heat up. Does the deck require a coil with long legs?

No, it's the same deck style as all the Wasp series. Very short legs. And the coil itself is absolutely tiny. No idea why they went this route to churn out a coil with a .2 resistance. It's just extremely odd IMHO.
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