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Sorry bud, last night I couldn't find my KFX so I had a look at the Lite assuming the decks would be the same internally - and unfortunately they aren't.

I've managed to find my KFX and, unlike the Lite, there is NO o-ring on the 510 side of the center post. Sorry for the confusion, it was dumb of me to assume it was the same as the Lite without checking.

I've stripped my KFX to check. Disturbingly - mine has no o-ring number 9. It is just the center post and the white number 10 insulator. When I reassembled the center post held the positive pin firmly - I re-assembled with just the post and insulator, I did not add the missing o'ring. The centre post 'nut' is recessed inside the build deck so you can't get to it when you re-assemble. If you cant screw the center post in enough using finger pressure I'd wrap a bit of cloth around the bottom of the post and try using a bit of force.

That o-ring No 9 looks to me like it should sit in the groove on the center post and not on the insulator as in your pic, I would try to screw in the centre post with just the white insulator - it SHOULD hold the positive firmly in position - if not something is wrong with either the center post or positive.

I gave up on my KFX after less than a month because it gurgled after every fill. I'm not wondering if the fact mine doesn't have a Number 9 o-ring is the cause of the issue.

I'm sorry about me getting confused over the KFL and KFX decks. That sort of dumb shit doesn't help
No worries, thanks for taking the time. With just the white washer installed it wobbles, the only way I have of turning the nut fully is with a pair of tweezers and cannot go in any further, no matter how tight it is it wobbles. With the O ring installed like on the picture I get a tight fit and the post is secure. If not mistaken the O ring sitting behind like on the picture I have tried and does not fit well in the center post, very loose O ring and does not fit well, saying that I shall try it again as not convinced it should sit the way I have put it like in my picture.
The thing is working with the washer installed as my picture and the post is secure but I shall dismatle it again ( spent hours playing with the thing last couple of days) soon.
As it is, it not as good as my Prime and only bought the X as a spare so I think it will stay as a spare, like you said it gurgles ( not so much if only half filled) and the airflow setting is a nuisance. Only positive over my prime is that it does not seem to leak which is a positive, also the wick stays cleaner for longer.
Thanks for your help and shall dismantle it again in the next few day and try the washer another way and shall post my results.
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My YFTK clone can gurgle a bit when I refill it but it always clears after a few draws.
My YFTK clone can gurgle a bit when I refill it but it always clears after a few draws.
Mines the same. It does clear very quickly but I vape 20mg salts and if the slightest bit of 20mg juice gets in my mouth it can make me feel nauseous. It hasn't actually happened but the thought of it makes me uneasy. As I've found the KFX vapes exactly the same as the KF Lites I've just gone back to using the Lites as I've always found them to be trouble free and the minor hassle of bottom filling doesn't worry me.

I am tempted to try the KFX again though.
Dismantled again and tried putting the washer behind the white sleeve, tried a no9 washer which is too big and after tried the no25 washer. The 9 does not sit well and climbs over and ends up blocking the holes, 25 sits just behind the white sleeve but I get the "no atomizer message" when I assemble back. With no washer the post is all over the place and the nut cannot go in any further so again get the " no atomizer message", so back to washer sitting on sleeve like the picture I posted and it works.
Very much doubt it is the correct way however it works, I suspect there is something wrong with the post.
Dismantled again and tried putting the washer behind the white sleeve, tried a no9 washer which is too big and after tried the no25 washer. The 9 does not sit well and climbs over and ends up blocking the holes, 25 sits just behind the white sleeve but I get the "no atomizer message" when I assemble back. With no washer the post is all over the place and the nut cannot go in any further so again get the " no atomizer message", so back to washer sitting on sleeve like the picture I posted and it works.
Very much doubt it is the correct way however it works, I suspect there is something wrong with the post.

I might not be understanding correctly but looking at your image the no.9 o-ring should definitely sit just below the holes and is crucial for the atomizer to work on mine, I did have issues when I took it apart recklessly and didn't use the right o ring causing it to rip off, the correct no.9 below the holes should do it. The insulator is differently placed in mine too it's above the holes I think it insulates the deck from the rest. It's definitely a make or break part of the tank sealing the airflow and electrical circuit.
Where does yours sit ? Excuse my drawing, on 2 there is a slight groove but the ring will not stay on as not deep enough, is it on no1 in that case ? It can sit beneath the holes but it blocks the holes that way.


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Where does yours sit ? Excuse my drawing, on 2 there is a slight groove but the ring will not stay on as not deep enough, is it on no1 in that case ? It can sit beneath the holes but it blocks the holes that way.
Sorry for the late reply I just logged in and saw it, hopefully you've sorted it but yes it should be where you marked the no.2, when you say it will not stay on as not deep enough do you mean when you put the deck into the base or the o ring itself wont fit in the groove? Off the top of my head it sits in the groove but might not reach the bottom, it sticks pretty far out - it's the widest part of that piece it's on. Screw it onto the deck first then onto the base, when I put it in the base I put a bit of VG on the o rings (all 4 o rings on that part) and turn it as I push it down, I've noticed turning it when pushing stops the o ring getting caught on anything, let me know if you've got it going I'm part of this now haha, all the best.
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