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You're shitting me!!!


Apr 11, 2016
Ok over the weekend when I could sneak off to my study I spent time reading and searching the posts on here based more upon where to get things from. I also watched a number of videos regarding mixing particularly by weight as this seemed to be the less intensive way of mixing. So I dug out my aquarium scales, should be Ok for starters, they have a tare button and they go down to 2 decimal places.
So, using suggestions of where to buy the necessary base elements and flavourings I decided to do a simple excel spreadsheet....using Darkstar for all the base elements and a one shot mixology flavour from thee-cigshop and e-liquid-recipes calculator as the mix calculator I entered all the relevant information for a 70vg/30pg.
Then transferred the recipe output quantities to the spreadsheet and calculated for a 10ml bottle......0.45p....you're shitting me :omg: this is the liquid cost only.

Ok I've not taken into account, delivery costs, bottle, pipettes....and any other incidentals.....no wonder people make their own especially for ADV's.
The only thing I haven't calculated is usage, i.e. how may 10ml bottles from each base part so that ordering is done based upon consumption assuming there is no degradation from the base units.

This was certainly interesting, and I really should get out more :D and I even found something to do the mixing instead of using manpower one of these.
I don't think I have any 'I'm new to mixing questions' because reading through here and using the search option you can find everything......but you never know something may come up that I can't find an answer too...:D :P
45p/10ml would sound about right, but then, as you say, there's the sundry items (inc electricity) to add in. :) then, if your producing juice commercially, there's the premises/staff/maintainence/running costs to add in, THEN, with the TPD, there's a raft full of extra costs on top. (I seen a thread here, a vendor had to drop one of their juices, as it wasn't cost effective to cover the TPD costs involved to keep it in their range. I think 10k had been mentioned !)
When you look at it that way, it makes ya wonder how vendors can produce crackin juice for £5.50/30ml. :D
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Don't get me wrong this was purely an exercise, to find out if it would be worth the effort just to get something for an ADV, this would not stop be buying from vendors on here whose juices I enjoy.
Having spent 30 years as a hotelier calculating GP margins, break even targets, profit and loss etc, this sort of calculation is second nature and I admire those that can produce a product that people will buy and make a profit. Particularly in the time spent in R&D let alone legislative compliance.

For instance the average markup for food is 65/70% GP, Liquor varied due to the product, Beer average 45%, Spirits 80%, and so on but that would produce an overall Liquor GP based upon sales mix......then all your other costs would come out to leave you with hopefully an overall Net Profit.
Juice vendors have an added additional problem....volume....there is no point in producing an e-liquid if you aren't selling X amount at least to cover the cost of both R&D and production i.e. break even but that would be based upon selling price. Before they went into full production they would need to calculate a break even point.
You see the word premium being brought up a number of times on here, so what makes it premium, certainly not the liquid content as a whole, but it could be the cost of R&D and the number needed to be sold to ensure profitability.
But reading on here I can understand why people mix their own, it's not just cost it's a sense of achievement, I just never realised how cost effective it was, and having started on 30ml a week that is now creeping up to 20ml a day. So dipping my toe into self production seems a good idea to find a couple of ADV's.....then leave the bought stuff to pm use.
If you've the time and space to 'home brew', once you've got into a routine making your own has to make sense financially, and there is the 'I done that' as an added bonus. I think with a lot folk it starts as a purely money saving measure, but the achievement & experiments take over from savings. :)
If you've the time and space to 'home brew', once you've got into a routine making your own has to make sense financially, and there is the 'I done that' as an added bonus. I think with a lot folk it starts as a purely money saving measure, but the achievement & experiments take over from savings. :)
Good points guy's this year I'm going to try to make some tobacco juices. The inevitable frustration of not finding exactly the flavours you want will probably lead us all to this point eventually. Then again tpd May stop me before I start.

Good points guy's this year I'm going to try to make some tobacco juices. The inevitable frustration of not finding exactly the flavours you want will probably lead us all to this point eventually. Then again tpd May stop me before I start.
Not if you get a little supply of nicotine in the freezer.
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