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Oct 31, 2014
Im looking for nuts, possibly a good mixed nuts concentrate
I have The Alchemist cupboard AC-Ry4 concentrate, as good as it is I can detect a very slight fruitiness to it.
Don't want to go down the fruity baccy with it as I have other mixes that do this...... I feel a good hammering with nutty goodness will do this wonders.
It's quite a strong concentrate, doesn't need any more baccy, just nuts, what's good that's out there?
FA Nut Mix is a pretty good non-specific nutty flavour
Flavour West Hazelnut my my fav creamy smooth hazelnut
FA Hazelnut
Rainbowvapes intense nuts
Chemnovatic peanut
FLV Beer Nuts

Any of these are very good but for what you're looking for I'd probably pick either the intense or Beer Nuts
WF Cashew too, it's quite a mellow creamy nut flavour with a touch of honey sweetness.
....oh , oh, TPA Toasted Almond is great in tobaccos too, it kind of tastes like nutty toasted tobacco in itself. It kind of adds that marlboro toasted tobacco thing.
Flavour West Maple Pecan works too, it has a sweet maple note if you want to go down that road instead.
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