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Abyss Bridges Questions

It looks like the pin isnt spring loaded and sealed.

New prob tho, on the gtx bridge, the top collar is .1 mm to long, time for the dremel

Edit: its got to be spring loaded...i dont understand, i tried pushing it in but it wouldnt move, but when u put a tank on u have to press down. There does appear to be a white gasket around it
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The Bung that's being mentioned is usually found inside the Tank on delivery to make it TPD Compliant and is easily removed.
The PnP Coils need the Spare Base which has a larger hole to accommodate the wider Base.... A bit like an "A" Tank Boro.
EUC Coils have their own Bridge which you'd get in "The Bridge Pack", as do the Caliburn etc.
Ehhh, if i find my dremel im fixing their bridge. It'll fit, just u watch.

I have a spare one. So no harm no foul. If what im learning about juice being able to leak down into it i expect ill just be using the sbs on it. Stuartd took his apart and found juice inside. Talking about it right now with him.

Did get a second ether tho. Its that good, guess i better make sure my wicking is always on point.
It's realt weird I've put the ether back on last week and like jd has said I have found a leak somewhere again but if you look at the bottom of the ether there no juice or anything there so not realy sure were it came from this time
Im wondering if thats just another one of those strange issues small batch mods have, like my airflow pin.

I actually asked dovpo about this, cpl times. Ill be in a conversation with customer service, and at some point i will ask them if that area is sealed or anything and thats always where the conversation stops, no further responses. Im not being sarcastic or anything either, im am being nice and polite about it.
(Kinda like when i asked about the bridge)

I will get it to fit...u will see.
U will all see, dangit, ...:muhaha:
Not going to Strip Down a New Mod because of a tight Airflow, on RTA's etc they loosen with time as will the Abyss. I doubt very much your Bridge needs a Dremel, how do you know your Tape Measure isn't out by a Millimetre ?. I got my Bridge Pack this Morning but not opened it to check. Far too busy with my game lol. I was going to try the Exocet later, has anyone tried the other BB Bridges yet ?. The Insider and Exocet have to be my Favourite BB Bridges. I was going to try the Vape Snail but i think it looks crap in a round tank, might just be me though.
I use a VapeShell in mine and for me, it's perfect. I much prefer it to the Ether :)
I use a VapeShell in mine and for me, it's perfect. I much prefer it to the Ether :)

Don't think i m gonna bother with the Ether, i think there is plenty of choice already and all i read is complaints about it anyway. Pretty sure they will be releasing more Bridges in the future as well, I quite like the Vape i get with the Aspire Coils and they seem to last quite well. I will be trying the Caliburn next as i heard it's supposed to give a decent Vape. Have you tried them yet @Rob ?
YES Indeed @LordOdin :)
The Caliburn is quite Carol's favourite. Brilliant flavour and at last a Coil that doesn't need ridiculous watts!! Happily burbles along at 14 Watts and lasts forever. :)
Don't think i m gonna bother with the Ether, i think there is plenty of choice already and all i read is complaints about it anyway. Pretty sure they will be releasing more Bridges in the future as well, I quite like the Vape i get with the Aspire Coils and they seem to last quite well. I will be trying the Caliburn next as i heard it's supposed to give a decent Vape. Have you tried them yet @Rob ?

got the ether on the go in 3 of mine, MTL 12.5W and DTL 25-30W. had no problems with any of them, left for days on end between use. no leaks, gurgles, nothing.

its the only rebuildable that has just worked for me from the get go. like them so much just had 2 of the ether tanks arrive today to try.
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