I just went to fire them fully, and it cam up don’t abuse protects, now it’s saying ohm too low, screws are tightened properly ect
I own the Alien and im using ive been doing a few low ohm builds on it recently.
It really depends on the batteries youre using bud.
Regulated mods work differently to mech mods and you calculate how much amp draw you will use from your batteries based on the
(wattage being used /2) /voltage cut off point/efficiency of regulator in the device
0.1ohms is as low as the smok alien will let you go and 2.8v is the cut off point for that device.
Resistance of coils doesnt matter in regulated devices but wattage does.
For example the highest wattage i can go on my LG HB6 batteries is 140 watts
This is because 70w/2.8v/0.85 is around 30 amps and my batteries have a maximum continuous discharge rating of 30amps.
Do not trust the screen on your mod to determine amps because especially on the smok alien its pants.
So it really depends what batteries youre using as to what wattage you can use on the device, but the resistance doesnt matter unless its super sub ohm and you melt your coils off.