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10pm drink curfew

this is wrong, but i can’t be arsed. so, okay then. :)
What happens when someone in the pub tests positive and inputs their test results in the test and trace app?
The app recognises they were at a pub because they scanned the qr code when they would have been carrying and shedding the virus all over the place.
Are folk that were in that pub that day excluded from isolating and getting tested if they didn't go to the bar themselves?

I'm pretty sure the virus spreads in pubs even if people sit put at a table but if you know different then don't be like that zou please share!
What happens when someone in the pub tests positive and inputs their test results in the test and trace app?
The app recognises they were at a pub because they scanned the qr code when they would have been carrying and shedding the virus all over the place.
Are folk that were in that pub that day excluded from isolating and getting tested if they didn't go to the bar themselves?

I'm pretty sure the virus spreads in pubs even if people sit put at a table but if you know different then don't be like that zou please share!
think about it using this analogy.

you are in the pub with your mate. he’s eaten something rotten and is farting out vile, rancid stinkers. he’s sitting right next to you. so you are infected.

the guy at the opposite end of the pub cannae even smell it.

but let’s say yer man goes to the bar, at the same time as the innocent bystander from the other end of the pub. they are standing next to each other in the queue. 1 or 2 metres apart or whatever is required. the cunt lets out another stinker. infected.

think about it using this analogy.

you are in the pub with your mate. he’s eaten something rotten and is farting out vile, rancid stinkers. he’s sitting right next to you. so you are infected.

the guy at the opposite end of the pub cannae even smell it.

but let’s say yer man goes to the bar, at the same time as the innocent bystander from the other end of the pub. they are standing next to each other in the queue. 1 or 2 metres apart or whatever is required. the cunt lets out another stinker. infected.

I agree what you say will increase the risk but if you consider a sneeze can carry droplets of body fluids up to 26 feet it bares very little comfort from risk.
Bar staff moving air around and people visiting the toilets moving air around.


Over the years, Dr. Bourouiba’s research team has found that coughing, sneezing and even speaking will produce a small gas cloud that traps clusters of droplets of various sizes. That means the momentum of a cough can push droplets of a respiratory virus as far as 19 feet away, and a sneeze can push droplets up to 26 feet away, depending on the room’s humidity, temperature and air flow.
you are in the pub with your mate. he’s eaten something rotten and is farting out vile, rancid stinkers. he’s sitting right next to you. so you are infected.

the guy at the opposite end of the pub cannae even smell it.

I'm that guy at the other end, I have no friends.
The 10pm curfew has not bothered me at all.
I have always said "if you can't get pissed by 9, you ain't trying"
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