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18650 batteries


Mar 17, 2024
Hi all, I have a couple of Molicel 18650 3.7 v 2800mah batteries.
I use them on three different regulated mods and I’m a bit puzzled! One mod is DNA75 the others are an Aspire ASP chipset. All show the same readings.
When checking the batteries on all the mods I get readings of around 4.7volts and 2.6 amps.
So the volts look way high but the amps seem low.
I’ve checked the batteries with a multimeter and those readings are more or less as per the battery specs.
So what’s the difference between how a meter reads the batteries and how a mod reads them?
This has puzzled me for a while.
Any thoughts on this?
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Personally, I would always trust the multimeter over a mod any day. An 18650 battery physically isn't capable of holding more than 4.25V of charge so if the mod is reading 4.7V you can be pretty certain that reading is faulty.

A multimeter is specifically calibrated and designed to take proper readings whereas a mod is just reading the thoughput of current through it's circuit board and calculating it's readings from there. That can easily be affected by heat from the coil or ingress of vape juice around the circuit board.
The readings you are seeing on the display on the mod has no relevance whatsoever to the Amp drain capacity or the voltage of the battery.

What you are reading is the volts and Amps sent to the 510 to achieve the wattage you have selected, This mod obviously has buck boost circuitry as it is sending 4.7 Volts to the atomiser - this is NOT what is being pulled from the battery, it displays what is being sent. The board is being supplied with whatever voltage the battery is at and is using the boost circuit to send a higher voltage at lower Amps.

Using the info you've given - you're currently vaping a relatively high restistance coil in an MTL atomiser at around 12 Watts.

Don't worry about the Voltage display of 4.7V - it is a reading of the output from the boost circuit. Even if the actual charge of the battery is so low it is almost at low power cut off the mod will be pulling less than 5 Amps of current so it doesn't really matter.

The only thing to be wary of is not to try to pull too much current from your batteries - use a maximum wattage setting of 3 times the CDR of the battery you are using, which is doubled in a dual battery mod - but for MTL you won't get anywhere near that.
The readings you are seeing on the display on the mod has no relevance whatsoever to the Amp drain capacity or the voltage of the battery.

What you are reading is the volts and Amps sent to the 510 to achieve the wattage you have selected, This mod obviously has buck boost circuitry as it is sending 4.7 Volts to the atomiser - this is NOT what is being pulled from the battery, it displays what is being sent. The board is being supplied with whatever voltage the battery is at and is using the boost circuit to send a higher voltage at lower Amps.

Using the info you've given - you're currently vaping a relatively high restistance coil in an MTL atomiser at around 12 Watts.

Don't worry about the Voltage display of 4.7V - it is a reading of the output from the boost circuit. Even if the actual charge of the battery is so low it is almost at low power cut off the mod will be pulling less than 5 Amps of current so it doesn't really matter.

The only thing to be wary of is not to try to pull too much current from your batteries - use a maximum wattage setting of 3 times the CDR of the battery you are using, which is doubled in a dual battery mod - but for MTL you won't get anywhere near that.
You are spot on! I’m using coils from 0.8 to 1.8 ohm, depending on which tank and coils I’m using, they all seem to run nicely at 12 to 14watts.
Thanks for your input, much appreciated. 👍
If you never use anything apart from MTL in future you could get higher Mah batterys as you dont need batterys that have high CDR amp ratings.
Hi all, I have a couple of Molicel 18650 3.7 v 2800mah batteries.
I use them on three different regulated mods and I’m a bit puzzled! One mod is DNA75 ,,,,,
This has puzzled me for a while.
Any thoughts on this?
For DNA mod: install escribe, connect the mod and use Device Monitor while the mod is in standby (without firing). This will give you the precise reading. Reading on the mod is affected by the coil.
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