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510 short on squape r clone

bob salter

Jun 15, 2013
I am scratching my head a bit on this. At first I thought I was getting a short somewhere inside the atty but it only happens when I screw the atty down tight on to the mod. If I tighten normally tight, then back off half a turn the atty fires normally. Is there a fix or has anyone else experienced this.

Try screwing the adjustable 510 in abit then screw it on the mod sounds like it is either bending and touching the side of the 510 or pushing up inside Bob
Thanks. I changed out the 510 oring for the spare one in the pack. Seems ok for now. This thing drinks juice though, on my second tank since lunchtime.

Yeh I got the genuine one and it does go thro juice but still can't beat the Vape and flavour lol
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