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A new “study” on chemical analysis of e-cigarette

Any product, vegetable, mineral, animal or vapeable starts with basic ingredients, which are initially quite natural and harmless. however, production on a massive scale, creates its own problems and the natural ingredients rarely perform perfectly to achieve profitable and efficient mass production, so additives are almost always required to achieve that aim. The definition between vaping with a personal vapouriser such as are the devices we use and the use of mass produced E-Cigs are and should be two separate issues to my mind. There is only a scant relationship between the two. The ingredients which the consumer inhales on vapourisation do not bare comparison. As I have hinted in my original post, I have no doubt whatsoever that BAT will launch an E-Cig which tops the charts in popularity, but is crammed packed with noxious substances. BAT have nothing to lose, but everything to gain if their new 'Top Selling' is subjected to tests which eventually leads to the banning of e-cigs.
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