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A New EU Ecig Ban - And How To Stop It!


Sep 6, 2012
Recently, and following protests from thousands of vapers, the EU parliament voted down an attempt to ban the electronic cigarettes you use.

However, the EU commission has gone back to the drawing board and has come back with a new attempt to take away your electronic cigarettes.

We've detailed the EU plans to ban ecigarettes and what you can do to stop it. Please read and share this post: http://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/ashtray-blog/2013/11/new-eu-ecig-ban-how-to-defeat-it.html and help defeat plans to take away your electronic cigarette!
Hi what's the bottom line if we do get screwed,when would this come into affect.
How much nicotine should I stockpile,?
To be real I don't believe in panic buying,and wouldn't,
Its stands to reason ,if something is better for you,and cheaper,but costs the government money,you cant have it.
Why does some one in Brussels tell us what to do.try telling the Ausies they cant drink fosters.
I will be gutted if any of these proposals get passed,
I am not making light of this ,but if I dont laugh I will cry
You'll always be able to get it somehow. The legislation is likely to be rejected by the courts anyway, but hopefully we can get it stopped before it gets to that stage.
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