Dripping is THE way to try out any new juice but has its obvious downsides - I.E. drip, drip, drip,drip, vape, vape, vape, vape, drip etc' but there is no doubt it really brings the flavour out. The only shit is that no matter what you vape it in after it's never as good. Other than my RBA's, after 2+ years of vaping I still say that the iclear 30's are the best all round affordables on the market to really bring the flavour out with little to no leaking / burning issues. If it's juice you're after then in my opinion Boba's Bounty is a class apart (if you can get it) or Grants Vanilla Custard. GVC in a Kayfun - fuck it's good. I'd buy Kayfuns all day long just to vape GVC. Happy vaping !