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A total noob, Cobra Atomiser by Siam Mods and Alba Vapours Not a review, well sort of

Not sure where to get mesh yet, so I will have to be careful with the little bit I have!
I believe this is the stuff your looking for:
Super Fine #400 Stainless Steel Mesh - 25 Micron - A4 Sheet Ref: WSS400SF-A4

On this page

Glad you are loving it. See I told you it wasn't so hard. Tbh sinse going rebuildable I've got more and more pissed off with "the elite". All this time there has been an element in vaping communities (not here!) who seem to thing they are better than everyone else cos they can build a wick. Now I've tried it quite frankly it's laughable. Now I'm no expert but really all you are doing is sticking some wire around some string. That's it! Ooh I'm so superior cos I can wrap wire! Now I'm not saying all my attempts have been amazing and I do know there is science behind it, but as long as it works that is all that matters! It doesn't make you elite but if you think you are better than everyone else then it makes you an arse :)
Too true! That's why I included the little bit up there, ANYONE can do this! I am the most clumsy person on this forum, having broken how many VV's?? Come on, I can't fix THEM but I did THIS!

I am well chuffed that I was able to do something that I was essentially "afraid" of doing but does it make me a better person? A better vaper? Different? Not really, it makes me a wee bit more knowledgeable and that is what I am on Earth for anyways, to learn!

Now only if they could make us fly... that would be effing awesome!

I have a habit of not removing my DT from my lips after I vape and I end up exhaling back into the atty part which pushes any excess vapour back into the tank and that looks cool as hell, but do I want a medal for it? LOL no.
Glad you are loving it. See I told you it wasn't so hard. Tbh sinse going rebuildable I've got more and more pissed off with "the elite". All this time there has been an element in vaping communities (not here!) who seem to thing they are better than everyone else cos they can build a wick. Now I've tried it quite frankly it's laughable. Now I'm no expert but really all you are doing is sticking some wire around some string. That's it! Ooh I'm so superior cos I can wrap wire! Now I'm not saying all my attempts have been amazing and I do know there is science behind it, but as long as it works that is all that matters! It doesn't make you elite but if you think you are better than everyone else then it makes you an arse :)

Yep , plus one on that
Elitist wankers....bet they are bloody Provari owners......TOSSERS!

Er... Shit, i own a Provari...PF".its a v2, oh well , time to climb the ladder again...lol
Proud to be an arse....sorry cant help it....just sucking on my Provari...is that an offence?
Proud to be an arse....sorry cant help it....just sucking on my Provari...is that an offence?

I find it so offensive I am going to ban you :P JOKE!

I am happy with a lavatube and StiG's Papa R. While I envy your obvious enjoyment with your Provari, I get that same enjoyment from my mods :) So we're not really too different are we? :P
Glad you are loving it. See I told you it wasn't so hard. Tbh sinse going rebuildable I've got more and more pissed off with "the elite". All this time there has been an element in vaping communities (not here!) who seem to thing they are better than everyone else cos they can build a wick. Now I've tried it quite frankly it's laughable. Now I'm no expert but really all you are doing is sticking some wire around some string. That's it! Ooh I'm so superior cos I can wrap wire! Now I'm not saying all my attempts have been amazing and I do know there is science behind it, but as long as it works that is all that matters! It doesn't make you elite but if you think you are better than everyone else then it makes you an arse :)

I have not been a member of any other forum .. so have not seen the elitism that you speak of .. however I can imagine ... In my various other hobbies and interests .. the same thing is prevalent in all of them, from keeping aquariums to a love of various genres of music.

I think its just human nature ... for some reason
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