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A total noob, Cobra Atomiser by Siam Mods and Alba Vapours Not a review, well sort of

Too true! That's why I included the little bit up there, ANYONE can do this! I am the most clumsy person on this forum, having broken how many VV's?? Come on, I can't fix THEM but I did THIS!

I am well chuffed that I was able to do something that I was essentially "afraid" of doing but does it make me a better person? A better vaper? Different? Not really, it makes me a wee bit more knowledgeable and that is what I am on Earth for anyways, to learn!

Now only if they could make us fly... that would be effing awesome!

I have a habit of not removing my DT from my lips after I vape and I end up exhaling back into the atty part which pushes any excess vapour back into the tank and that looks cool as hell, but do I want a medal for it? LOL no.

hah! I do the same .. its one thing I love about the vivi novas ... if you blow back you get two straight jets of steam coming out the air holes ... this would look awesome on top of a steam punk!
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Sorry ZT.i HATE the things and was being sarcastic. :)
I am beginning to believe there is a thin line, people who believe that the elitism does exist and those who believe it doesnt. Either way, I couldn't give a rats arse. I am not better a person than anyone else whatever is in my kit :) Now I know how to use a rebuildable. Wow. Where's my rebuildable graduation certificate? :P

I just want to mention a thousand times, how much I love PoTV and the group of people we have here. The difference in forum atmosphere is evident between this forum and UKV. As this EXACT same post is being met headlong with a lot of insinuations and "between the lines" meanings.

My intentions were never to draw light to any group, imagined or real, other than a VAPER who might want to try an rebuildable but is nervous of making the plunge.

If I can do it, broke ass mama, stupid redneck american, loud mouthed, rude, crude and prude, then anyone can do it. I don't care if you belong to the girlscouts (only if your over 18) or part of a Red Devils pilot, you could be the President of MadeUpUStackistan for all I care.

Anyone can use these things, regardless and they are well worth it!
those clearos safer cigs are selling? I was looking at them.

Nothing against Safercigs, BUT DONT BUY THEM! They're (IMO) ok for a quick fix or to give away to a new vaper to introduce them, but if you are on clearos, visions, boge, kangers, they are sub par.
are we talking about the same thing Meg?

I think you are talking about cig alikes ... where as Im talking about darren @ http://www.safercigs.co.uk
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PERSONAL opinion..if you like Vaping a plastic taste..yum

ahh no .. forget that then! i got that from those cheap assed clearos I got from cloud9 *shudder*
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