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About to give up DIY, save me!

I'm both hoping it is and it isn't the nic. I've overspent already this month lol but on the positive I can order another nic and be done with the horrible juice batches
I have a slightly modified version of this recipe already made and it tastes nothing like the elements pink lemonade but it's still ok if you want a sample for comparison to see if it's your nic pm me your address and will pop some in the post
It's not your nic unless it's actually gone bad.

Taste is subjective and we may both love a juice but we may be tasting something completely different. You may not taste cinnamon but I might, and if I overdo it in my clone it will taste odd to you.

Snake Oil is a good example. Many gigabytes on the web are taken up discussing its ingredients, but I identified them straight away and made an identical clone. But no-one else thinks so, just me.

Why not try to come up with your own mixes rather than copying others? Imagine a flavour and try to create it. Settle for a stock juice in the meantime, Chef's has plenty of blends.
I agree with what you're saying but I'm just starting off with DIY so I thought I'd get the basics down and make a few bottles using recipes before experimenting with my own.

I also am not arguing that taste is subjective but as I mentioned above somewhere I can distinguish the difference between a taste I don't like and a taste that's clearly off. I've tried numerous flavours from vape stores some I like some I don't like, however I can still vape something I dislike whereas I can't for the life of me vape what I've created.

I have a slightly modified version of this recipe already made and it tastes nothing like the elements pink lemonade but it's still ok if you want a sample for comparison to see if it's your nic pm me your address and will pop some in the post
That'll be much appreciated, I can send you back a bottle of one of the DIY's I've made in return if you're feeling brave lol?
DIY is a real minefield. I've mixed custards to the exact recipes that people say is "the best custard ever!" and they have been unvapable after 1-3 months steeping and every disaster in between. Keep going though, I've only this past week made my first great juice to my own recipe after 8+ months of horror shows. Switching exclusively to FlavorArt concentrates helped a lot. Their shit is great. Using pre-mixed blends is also a good way of at least having something vapable to keep you going while you fuck up your own experiments. T-Juice have some nice ones.
DIY is a real minefield. I've mixed custards to the exact recipes that people say is "the best custard ever!" and they have been unvapable after 1-3 months steeping and every disaster in between. Keep going though, I've only this past week made my first great juice to my own recipe after 8+ months of horror shows. Switching exclusively to FlavorArt concentrates helped a lot. Their shit is great. Using pre-mixed blends is also a good way of at least having something vapable to keep you going while you fuck up your own experiments. T-Juice have some nice ones.

Yeah I'm going to have to order some pre mix's, and possibly nic. I'll have a test tomorrow to see if it's actually my nic.
You're not doing anything wrong - the truth of the matter is that most of the "clone" recipes are crap and taste nothing like the original juices.
There is a lot of trial and error in DIY and I find that if I make ten liquids, maybe 3 out of that 10 are worth making again and only 1 will be as good as something you'd class as premium.
But as @travolski said, sometimes the difference between a juice that smells great but tastes meh and a juice that smells and tastes great is one drop of sucralose per 10mls.
For a premixed flavour you cant go too far wrong with pinkman at 15-20%. Nic tastes of nic ie. peppery. What disguises it are the flavours in the juice. Do check out nic from pirates vape (they do a 10 ml sample foc) this is reputed to be the best but i cud not tell much difference.

Comparing different nic unflavoured at 3 - 6mg side by side in the same set up. I bet you wont be able to tell the difference.
For a premixed flavour you cant go too far wrong with pinkman at 15-20%. Nic tastes of nic ie. peppery. What disguises it are the flavours in the juice. Do check out nic from pirates vape (they do a 10 ml sample foc) this is reputed to be the best but i cud not tell much difference.

Comparing different nic unflavoured at 3 - 6mg side by side in the same set up. I bet you wont be able to tell the difference.

I can vouch for darkstar nic my 2 liter are crystal clear and flavourless and no smell, was really impressed with it. First company i bought nic off had a yellow/orange tinge too it and slight smell
I can vouch for darkstar nic my 2 liter are crystal clear and flavourless and no smell, was really impressed with it. First company i bought nic off had a yellow/orange tinge too it and slight smell

This is generally considered normal. I found VG based nic had the tinge and smelt of smelly feet, but since I switched to PG based it's all been crystal clear.
This is generally considered normal. I found VG based nic had the tinge and smelt of smelly feet, but since I switched to PG based it's all been crystal clear.

My first batch was suposed to be pg too but maybe your right and they gave me vg base instead
I'll also vouch for darkstar on my second bottle from them and both crystal clear.
I had a bottle that went peppery not even red astaire would mask it, if you think it's bad bin it.
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