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ACHTUNG! MIDLANDS VAPERS! - Nottingham Minimeet 10th August

Dunno about anyone else .. but I was mightily impressed with the size of Stevie s Tool
Twas a good night :thankssign:
glad everyone was impressed with the size of my tool & the taste of my jizz :hugs:
Hope to see y'all at VF next week :thankssign:

If someone can pm me when the next meets on :-)
Lol, you were quite sneaky getting those shots! :)

The guy stood up next to fynger was @Solarnotts and 2 below that picture is @willisuk

Special thanks has to go out to the generosity of @leisureliquids @eBaron & Adam - CoolVape for the items they bought along.

Also thanks to @nikki from mars for the donation of 'Blue Cheese' concentrate and the Diablo Poco for the benefit of a couple of video reviews!
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Yep big thanks everyone for turning up and making the night a success :)
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Some collages of the dreary shots I took lol. You may spot @fynger, @nikki from mars, @ZT, @leisureliquids (Terry), @eBaron (Georgio), @Stevie, @Merino-Teflon, the guys from @Cool Vape and @AndyC1971

The guy in the white coat was selling prawns etc and had a cigalike but tried out a lot of gear as did the bar girl.

Great night :)

I really enjoyed myself! great pics Mark ... and thanks @NIkkifromMars for the boggie-ing - y'all missed a free party upstairs!
looks like you all had a great night ill do my best to be at the next notts meet

looking forward to meeting some of you at vf
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