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Advice Needed Please

Seems 2 me that u wld have been better off get'n a vv/vw device rather than a mech. With a vv/vw u cld just turn the output down if get'n a burnt taste.
U say u like the ce4 that's good if they work 4u but remember they are disposable! Maybe time u replaced them.
Rebuildable dripper? You've lost me there mate ......... I've never heard of them. I like something that is low maintenance & doesn't leak, which is why the CE4 fits the bill for me. Perhaps I am destined to put the Kamry to the back of my junk drawer & get a 2nd EGO.

This will explain briefly.

There's loads of info here on the forums too. Maybe get yourself another ego for out and about but definitely don't let your kamry gather dust. With the right atomizer, a bit of time, practice and the help of people here you'll find the perfect vape. :)
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When the battery is fully charged, the power is high on the Kamry. Press the button intermittently. on/off, on/off during one draw.
Seems 2 me that u wld have been better off get'n a vv/vw device rather than a mech. With a vv/vw u cld just turn the output down if get'n a burnt taste.
U say u like the ce4 that's good if they work 4u but remember they are disposable! Maybe time u replaced them.

Any recommendations re: a VV/VW device mate?

I have changed the CE4 loads. As I bought 10 of them I have changed it at least twice in a week while I was testing things out to try to find out what was causing the problem, so I know that it is definitely not down to needing to be changed.
There are plenty of vv/vw devices 2 choose from! It wld really come down 2 ur taste!! The mvp is a very popular mod ( tho box type mods aren't 4 every1) other suggestions wld b things like the vamo, smoktech sid.
When the battery is fully charged, the power is high on the Kamry. Press the button intermittently. on/off, on/off during one draw.

You know, I have just tried your suggestion & I do believe it is the answer. The on/off, on/off seems to have cured it. Not that convenient but when I am sat at my desk at work it seems to do the trick. I am going on a cruise in a few weeks & it will stealth vaping all the way (unless I wan to be kicked off the ship) so I might just have to go with the EGO's for that one.
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