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Air Powered Assisted Module (APAM)

I know nothing about COPD other than its a chronic lung disease. If it helps those with it then ok if they want to vape despite having such an airway problem. Makes you wonder how many people would find this useful though.

Watching him he did the mouth fill then lung inhale,the mouth fill helped by the module fan perhaps but the latter still requiring lung power I'd have thought?

Noisy bugger too lol
Yeah I found it to be a little noisy and maybe a little under power.. I am not a direct inhaler thought, i find the throathit too harsh if do that, I fill my mouth then inhale.
Jesus! If my COPD was so bad that I needed a device to try and blow vapour into me, I think I might seriously consider giving up vaping all together, and just concentrate on trying to breathe! This reminds me of a patient who used to smoke ciggies through their tracheostomy - there's something not quite right about it!

AND NOW I'VE BEEN CALLED INTO WORK! :mad::mad::mad::mad:
My mum has copd (used to be known as emphasemia), and it stopped her smoking. I understand how hard it is to stop smoking but if its life or death you've got to work out your priorities! She stopped smoking! Plus it sounds like a dentist drill!
i wish Scubadan would finish My atty before any more prototypes lol
It took me a minute to figure out what kermit was for till I realised it was his phone and he was videoing it in the mirror lol
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