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alternatives to syringing??


Jan 14, 2013
Hi everyone. I just got an aga t3 and was wondering if anyone knows of anyway I can fill this thing without a syringe. I can drip liquid in so far but then it seems to develop an air trap and I can't get anymore in. My local vape store is closed today and from what I gather any kind of syringes aren't readily available on the high street. Any advice? Thanks in advance.

if you tilt them to the side... say like a 70degree angle and just drip into one spot (not where the wick is) you can fill it up rather easily with no air lock.

Another idea is a needle nosed dripper bottle or if you go on Vape Escape they have a spikey type drip bottle for I hink £1.85?
Cool thanks for the quick reply. Going to try now. Thanks again!
You can fit needle into some of the 10ml and 30ml bottles (which have narrow tip). I have find that quite handy to refill attyes.
Wow thank you dexter. That's much appreciated. The first suggestion does work but takes ages.
If you get juice from Spiritus he will also supply a needle tip for his bottles, something to remember next time your looking for juice...
while the carto is on its 45 deg angle, tap it sharply and it should equalise the air pressure which is why you can't get anymore in.

reminds me of a funny joke...
you could also invest in a syringe and a blunt needle for filling if you find it easier that way. take a peek @ lesuireliquids.com in the mixing accesories
Thanks for all the suggestions but I found a bit of a get around. I ended up accidentally getting juice down the center hole and discovered it was filling the tank so I tried dripping straight in and filled it seconds. Should I really be doing this? It all seems to work fine. A bit airy though but I think it's the air hole is quite large compared to my Igo l
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