i'm new to vaping and drippers as well, my dripper is an Igo-L which is tiny and is only designed for one coil (a real fiddly bugger to build on as well) at present i have a 1.09ohm 26g kanthal build in it which i'm running at between 11 and 15watts (Istick 40w TC powering it), i've also tried it up to 25watts, any higher and this dripper is likely to get too hot way too fast
the difference in frequency at which i have to redrip from 11 to 20w is very surprising (shouldn't be really), at 20w or above i get maybe 4 draws on it before risking running dry, bring it back down to 11w and i probably get 9 or 10 although i do notice the vapour/flavour dropping as the juice is reduced to only what is still in the wick, when i first started on it i got a few dry hits and scorched my cotton but that was a good excuse to either rewick or start from scratch and build a new coil
drippers are a pain if you find redripping a task, i'm not of that mind at present as it's my only "rebuildable" that i can build my own coils on and i like toys/fiddling with things, this little kit is helping educate me, hopefully my goblin mini will arrive soon and i'll have two rebuildable toys then
stick with it and don't take any internet comments to heart (it's real easy to read something NOT the way it was intended)
you don't say how long you've been vaping in this thread, or how much knowledge you have of vaping equipment or even what equipment you are using, you may find that with a bit more information given by you that folks could suggest a better build or even a better dripper to suit your mod or dripping requirements, my little istick would be needing to recharge several times a day if i were to try drawing 30-40 watts out of it to suit a power build
a useful tool if you haven't already been linked up to it