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An outpouring

First welcome to potv.You'll Find friendly people here with loads of helpful tips and advise.Your not alone.:welcome1:
well done on making a change for the better, how long have you been in the vaping club? what is your device and flavour of choice? and welcome to POTV
Welcome to the family m8! Apes are social animals, well most of us anyway lol. You'll be fine in here, no worries.
Thanks folks. Some pertinent posts and great support :)

I'm so excited about all of this, that I get birthday-feeling each time one of the following happens:

I vape
I put on clothes and they smell of Persil
I have medium rather than hot. Nandos (it's the little things)
I walk up stairs and realise that this is how it should be
I walk past a newsagent and don't need to go in. Every day.
Someone gets on the tube having had a fag and I realise I don't stink like that (and a sense of horror that I used to!)
My hangover is 37% less than what I expected
My gf kisses me and I don't worry about stopping her, necking a smint and trying again
I wake up and can have a lie in as I don't need to race for a stinky

There's loads more, but sometimes it's the little things...

I don't want to come across as an evangelical ex-smoker, but that's what I am!

Blessed be electronic nicotine delivery systems!
Peter, welcome, as said before don't beat yourself up over the past, just make peace & enjoy your future :-D
Ooh, and I'm on ego 650. Went to a bricks and mortar to get it. Knew I'd be paying over the odds, but wanted a demo and that really helped. Terrible sore throat from the 100 pg they gave me with it, but once that runs out, I'll fill it with my 30/70 blend. Getting my liquid from Totally Wicked, which I'm pretty pleased with. Just need somewhere to get the clearomisers from and I'll be sorted. Any advice welcome!

Oh, and if anyone knows of any North London meets, let me know and I'll see you there!

Thanks again!
And LondonVaper, you no longer have to suffer the indignity of feeling like a junky queuing for methadone, to buy ciggies from the supermarket kiosks :)
Welcome to the Planet Mate!!! And Welcome to the Brotherhood of Vapers!!! Your never alone with POTV, Whenever your getting stick from Non Believers or the Missus about your new Way of Life/ Hobby/Healthy Option Whatever you want to call it, Just come on here and your among Like Minded People you can relax and talk to about anything Vape or Non vape Related!!! ( I Sound like a F****N Therapist!!! I was nearly reaching for the Kleenex myself then!!!):2thumbsup:
Helloo LondonVaper from another vaper in London! I'm in Willesden Green, near Kilburn :D Well, I'm not at the moment, I'm in Dulwich because I'm at work :P

Thanks Hazza!

Re the missus. She's a non-smoker and loves the new me. Is it appropriate to say that certain 'things' are 'better' with me and her? I'm like a new man!

Re the friends, I have a stock response to their (always similar) statements:

them: that looks ridiculous
me: any more than setting fire to something and inhaling the fumes?
them: guess not

Ive had to do that with each friend. Once. Then it's never mentioned again. I sense jealousy from the few of them who smoke and I love them so much that I might just buy and give them starter packs. No-one should have to bury their friends.

Thanks again!
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