My history in brief, then you can decide for yourself.
Before I start, I've lost some of the links to evidence, some is here if you look, and some is still ongoing research, I'll share what I know I can.
Was smoking for about 36 years, so at the time of taking up vaping my lungs where as good as anyone else's who smoked for that long.
Did 5 weeks dual fuelling while making the switch. Been tobacco free now for 8 weeks and 12 days.
On the 12th March 2014 I took part in a study at one of the London colleges. That consisted of an in depth questionnaire and some toxicology tests. urine, breath samples and stuff. Pictures where also taken of the e-cig brand used, I took a vtr and ego with appropriate tanks for max effect.
As the study is still in progress I haven't any official data yet, but my name is on the list for a copy if and when available.
What I can tell you, that may or may not help you decide for yourself is. And I'm going to use the carbon monoxide test results as used by smoking cessation services.
A smoker 17 ppm exhaled breath
typical NRT user 8 ppm exhaled breath
non- smoker 2 ppm exhaled breath
ppm = parts per million
I did this test twice, and both times my count was 2ppm. Which puts me firmly in the non-smoker category. Despite having smoked for 36 years, and vaping my socks off before going in.
Whilst I have not given any links to any supporting data. A copy of the counter signed "informed consent form" and "participant information sheet" for the study are in my possession. And is available for viewing in person only.
Further information may be available upon request, subject to relative permissions.