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Anyone want to mix with me


Aug 22, 2014
Afternoon all, on this miserable wet Sunday I thought I'd try and come up with a toffee cream recipe but with me being a new mixer and can't mix for toffee thought we could work on it together. This is my second time I've jumped into the diy mixing world, first time was about 3 years ago when all I made was custard and sometimes added strawberry. This time round I love it and feel like I've found a new hobby as I've pretty much brakes on buying new gear.
Ok so I've always wanted to find a nice toffee cream fudge type juice maybe like the sweets I use to scoff as a kid in the 80's like a Highland toffee bar or a pack of Toffo (I know a few of us are old enough to remember [emoji3]) and my grandad always had a tin of those toffee swirl sweets that looked like the inside of a Swiss roll, oh and I can't forget Werther's Original.

So now you know the flavour profile does anyone want to add their thoughts on the path to creamy toffee goodness. I will list the flavours I have and where I'm thinking of starting also if anyone wants to chip in but doesn't have the flavours I'll happily mix it and post it.
Here is a list of flavours I have that I think will work, just which ones ???

English Toffee (TPA)
English Toffee (LA)
Butter Toffee (RF) or D
Caramel Original (TPA)
Butterscotch Ripple (FW)
Toffee Dream Cream (FW)

Custard V1 (CAP)
Marshmallow and Toasted marshmallow (TPA)
Meringue (FA)
Dulce de Leche (TPA)
I have quite a few creams so I'll just list some of the different creams I have.

Butter Cream (FW)
Cream (Milky Undertones) OOO
Cream Cheese Icing (LA)
French Vanilla Creme (TPA)
Vanilla Whipped Cream (TPA)
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) & (CAP)
plus loads of other creams

Anything you think that will work just say and if I don't have it I'll get it.
This is the first time I've ever tried to create my own recipe as I've been picking them off ELR mainly strawberry creams so doing this will be intresting.

I've not mixed anything yet this is the start of hopefully something good.
I've only tried the the TPA English toffe and going off flavour notes on the others this is the one I'll start with, also fresh03 recommend adding a little butterscotch and I have the ripple. As for creams I'm not sure and the name I thought of while rambling on this thread.


English Toffee (TPA) 6%
Butterscotch Ripple (FW) 2%
Butter Cream (FW) or Dulce de Leche1%
Tosted Marshmallow (TPA)
Cream Milky Undertones (OOO) 2%
Vanilla Whipped Cream 3%

So what are your thoughts anything to add or take away, lower or higher percentages or just scap it and start again.

English Toffee (TPA) 6%
Butterscotch Ripple (FW) 2%
Butter Cream (FW) or Dulce de Leche1%
Tosted Marshmallow (TPA)
Cream Milky Undertones (OOO) 2%
Vanilla Whipped Cream 3%

So what are your thoughts anything to add or take away, lower or higher percentages or just scap it and start again.

Hi! Brilliant thread! We should have more of this kind of thing. I'll definitely join in with trying to mix a toffee cream. Was just contemplating this very thing the other day. I wondered whether it would be best to go for a cream base and flavour it with toffees, or whether to go mainly toffee with a hint of cream. I suspect the latter would be closer to the type of sweets you refer to, but I don't know.
I think you/we should conduct some experiments and see what happens and your recipe above is as good a place as any to start. TFA English toffee is a beautiful flavour but quite weak. 6% in combination with 2% butterscotch and 1% dulce de leche sounds like a nice toffee base to me.
Perhaps I should try a different recipe and we can see how things go?
Btw, if you want to go the cream base with added toffee route, I have stumbled upon a truly amazing cream base (found it on the 'Net somewhere but it is truly glorious).
TPA Brown Sugar has a toffee note to it in the 1.5 - 2% range - might help boost the main note somewhere in your mix (possible as a substitute for the DDL or marshmallow)

You might also want to add some vanilla in there, since most toffees contain it.
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Following on from the 2 posts above, I make a toffee mix of 25% of each: toffee, caramel, butterscotch and brown sugar. This truly is greater than the sum of its parts and the smell is amazing.

Creams are usually a bit tasteless, but doing the same with any creams I have plus malted milk and butter also makes a very powerful mix.

I've actually been working on something similar to your idea, but with nuts too. I'll leave the nuts out and have a bash and report back.
Nice1 @Mr Numpty glad your intrested, I thought with me being sort of new to mixing instead of just getting advice on making my own recipe why not get others mixing with me.
I did read most of the toffees out there are on the weak side and I did a 5% test of the TPA one which was ok but would need some help with layering in LA English toffee and with advice from fresh03 I highly value I was told butterscotch and with it being with a cream I thought the butterscotch ripple would fit perfect. For me doing ether with a cream or toffee would work coz I love a cream base and love toffee but going down the route of a cream base is a good idea but we could be up against it as like you said toffee flavours seem to be weak so we may find it hard to get it to come through. You could come up with one and we'll mix them both if we have the flavours and see where we are.
I've only starting mixing properly from January so I can't say I've got a sold cream base I like to use but definitely intrested in what you have down. The two creams I've chosen are new to my stash and not used them yet, I've heard good things on the cream milky tones and thought it would go well with toffee and I've used whipped cream in strawberry cream recipes a few times but not this one and thought the vanilla in it would add some depth to the mix along with the toasted marshmallow or DDL.
Excited to work on this [emoji2]
Good thread to get the juices flowing [emoji6]
I'm thinking vanilla, cappuccino, hazelnut in there to give it strength ... but Mr Numpty's cream sounds an excellent start [emoji4]
Excited to work on this [emoji2]
Me too. Good fun.

Ok, so I've made 9.5ml of fucking cream base :D and I figure use it at 25% of its usual strength in the mix to hopefully provide smoothness and body while still allowing the toffees to dominate. I was going to go 5% on the English toffee but I figure give it a chance as the star player and try to go a bit bold on the caramel mix in general. Better and easier to cut back for any revisions than find yourself vaping a weak ass first attempt, I find.
I'm adding a little sucralose. It probably doesn't need it but what the hell, it's a sweet. Shouldn't be in danger of being anywhere close to sickly sweet.
Anyway, I'll try this "Can't Mix For Toffee".

Can't Mix Toffee.JPG
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Well I've made a start.

10% CCW Clotted Cream Fudge
2.5% Caramel mix
2.5% Cream mix

Not quite Werthers Original, but it's absolutely wonderful, better than any toffee cream I've tried.
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