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Are Vapers self righteous?


Jul 18, 2012
This article makes some interesting points. We were all smokers once. Some still are, mixing enjoyment of tobacco with Vaping. We, quite understandably, talk of getting off the 'stinkies' and how foul smoking can quickly become. We will wax lyrical about how much better we feel, no stink, no cough etc etc.

But I still defend everyone's right to smoke if that is their wish. If it wasn't for Vaping I still would be lighting up and defending my right to do so. It's a shame that the arguments we need to make to save what we do often involves having to compare the two and appear self righteous. Something to think about..

Personally, I dont criticise smokers or their right to smoke, each to their own. I have friends that smoke, and I allow them to do so in my kitchen, after all, I used to. Even had smokers sparking up in my car. At a pub or even at work, I will stand outside with the smokers.

I dont try to convert people to vaping like a rabid preacher, because I know how I would of reacted if someone tried that with me. But I have to admit inside I am retching at the smell of smoke now, but I dont, and the majority of vapers dont take the moral high ground, because we are the lucky ones finding vaping, and it working for us.

These people are not harming us, and we are not harming them, simples :)
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As we are mainly using a crutch, we have little right to be so. There are always going to be self-righteous oiks lurking about somewhere, and I can see it in the vaping community, not overwhelmingly so though, or otherwise I would have to lump vapers in with cyclists: (Mainly) Self-righteous, selfish, ignorant, dangerous, with profound feelings of entitlement, and to be scorned.
I say this as a non-driving pedestrian.
Not all cyclists mind. I had a flatmate in Cardiff who was a cycle courier, and knew what he was doing, he was an arrogant twerp, but not because he was a cyclist. You never know though, cycling may have been a symptom.
If any cyclists are offended by this, that is because cyclists, though often Guardian and Telegraph readers, are prone to fits of outrage and offence in the manner of the average Daily Mail reader.
I used to have a BMX, it was pretty cool. But that was a more innocent age.
i found i was the biggest hypocrite ever .telling everyone within earshot to quit the stinkies .but now i just let em get on with it ..i just educate those who are genuinely interested in the lite sabre i`m sucking on :D
Yup, let the smokers come to you, and of course you get some smokers who ridicule vapers, and think ecigs look stupid, but riddle me this: Would you rather look stupid...or deadpid?! Hmmm, well, welllllll...
Plenty of things that I liked about smoking though, to be fair, but, to be fair, plenty of things I like about vaping, sadly, with vaping, I can't take everyone close to me with me ;)
I'm not righteous-I'm just right :D
Joking apart I think the over enthusiasm of a new vaper can be taken the wrong way. I know for the first 6-12 months I'd try and convince any smoker I could to try my gear. It wasn't so much thinking I was any better but more just wanting to share this new and brilliant way of getting my nicotene. As for the terminology, that's just natural in any group of enthusiasts whether it be vaping, computing, gardening or even cycling ;) my OH used to get offended (he is still a smoker) by the words I used but he soon realised it was just that-words!
I have nothing against those that smoke in fact I only quit because of the cost of smoking and if I could afford to would still smoke as I enjoy Nicotine, yes I know the harmful suff but it was an enjoyable way for me to get my nicotine requirement, I still stand next to smokers I still do not mind standing around my friends whilst they smoke, I would hope they would take up vaping if they wanted to save money or indeed quit but that is their decision, I also think that vapers and smokers are in the same camp and together will hold a strong argument to any Mickey mouse legislation they try and force onto us.......Winter is coming
I don't care what other people do unless its the cacophony of dipshits who don't know how to drive their cars and try to knock me off my bike on a daily basis...
People I look down on:

  1. Children
  2. Short people
  3. German car owners
  4. Anybody who watches Loose Women
  5. Celebrity chefs
  6. Anybody using a mobile phone in my presence
  7. Old men who suddenly take to wearing pink upon retirement
  8. People who post about their children's magnificence on Facebook
  9. Hugh Grant
  10. The viewing audience of Miranda

I don't look down on smokers but they can't smoke in my house, car, garage, shed, garden or rabbit hutches.
  1. Children
  2. Short people
  3. German car owners
  4. Anybody who watches Loose Women
  5. Celebrity chefs
  6. Anybody using a mobile phone in my presence
  7. Old men who suddenly take to wearing pink upon retirement
  8. People who post about their children's magnificence on Facebook
  9. Hugh Grant
  10. The viewing audience of Miranda

I've no idea why I haven't kicked my wife and children out of the house.
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