Wife’s having her forth jab today, just had a sore arm with the previous jabs so here’s hoping this one’s the same with no problems.
Thank you, but typical fecking telly - chuntered on about the politics and nobody discussed the figures that were quoted and I was interested in!![]()
Need to find a az booster for my wife, otherwise she won't have it (Pfizer)
i think they might have ditched it. not heard of any boosters being az.
Finally, after much foraging, phone calls, unanswered letters to my wife's GP, random drop in's to vac hub and locations, my wife has had the AZ booster. It took someone (called Lindy) stepping up and telling me she would get the AZ for my wife, that was early Tuesday afternoon and this morning the deed was done. No more AZ shots are available after January 31st, no idea why, perhaps they go out of date then![]()