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ASH Survey


Sep 9, 2021
Interesting results of the latest survey by ASH on adult and youth smoking/vaping.

It's a long report but the key points are:

• No significant change between 2022 and 2023 in the proportion of 11-17 year olds currently vaping or smoking.
• However, trying vaping once or twice is up by 50% on last year.
• Disposable (single use) e-cigarettes are the vape of choice for children currently vaping.
• Corner shops are the main source of purchase and child awareness of instore promotion has grown significantly since last year.

You never know those concerned with such matters may even have a shufty at some evidence.

The survey from the states was quite similar, except there was a moderate reduction in smoking and increase in adult vaping. :hmm: If vape promotion on the ground could be better regulated, it would reduce teenage vaping quite a bit, as it has for cigarettes and alcohol.

What will really give me half-wood is the research in 5 years that shows the difference in smoking levels in the uk compared to the US or Australia :yoda::yoda::yoda:
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