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Bad Press Public paranoia already noticeable

Over the past couple of weeks I've experienced a few incidences varying from dirty looks, covering their mouths to 1 person informing me that it's illegal, then the worst one was yesterday while walking to the post office, I was vaping MTL with little vapour (generally my habit when in public) and I tend not to vape while passing people, I was a good 30 feet away from a mother with her 2 kids and I stopped vaping, her words to her kids "cover your mouths" loud enough to ensure I heard it.
I actually felt a touch of guilt as this woman thought I was harming her children, soon faded then felt a little annoyed.

I'm not annoyed by public behaviour or opinions but I am annoyed how bad press has led to this.

What does annoy me is someone passing by with a ciggie and nobody bats an eyelid or carbon monoxide chucking vehicles passing by, but a small amount of vapour sparks a reaction.

My vaping habits are already considerate, I don't vape close to public and tend to leave my cloud chuckers for home use or wide open spaces.

Hopefully a decent balanced documentary will come along but I won't hold my breath.

Just read the POTV article on Ireland trying to ban flavours, ignorance is rife:

It's sad isn't it. I thought we'd got past the point of having to feel guilty about smoking. Now it's just the same for vaping and so we have to feel like lepers again.
It's sad isn't it. I thought we'd got past the point of having to feel guilty about smoking. Now it's just the same for vaping and so we have to feel like lepers again.

It is such a shame Vaping is getting so much bad press and the fact that Vaping is reported to be (I think it was 96% safer than Smoking) is hardly ever mentioned ... But myself and my wife will be Vaping and as ex Smokers now feeling so much better for it ... life goes on ....and one last thing Max has his feather under the bed ... very important that :D
I’m on holiday in the USA... been stopped in the street twice so far to be informed “those are killing people, you need to stop”... both got short shrift and were informed politely that the USA has an illegal THC problem which is killing people and it’s nothing to do with nicotine vaping.

The news has been very biased when I’ve bothered to watch it with the usual quotes from morons like Stanton Glantz being thrown around.

On the plus side I’ve had a couple of people also ask me about the kit I’m using, if it’s safe (response as above and advised to buy from reputable stores) how long I’ve been off the stinkies and what kit would I recommend for a beginner.
I had it yesterday from a person I know who had a fag in their mouth at the time

I laughed at him which made it worse

"covering your mouths thats a classic though"
My experience is it has happened twice at work so far. It takes less than a minute to politely point out that vaping is officially 95% safer than smoking cigarettes. And that governments throughout the world are in thrall to the tobacco industry and why .
Equip yourself with their own facts and figures, then tell them the truth.
Then feel good that just maybe occasionally you have made a wee difference to their thought processes and their yuk life will will feel so much lighter.
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