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Banned From Vaping?


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
Hi There :D

Through Vaping, I stopped smoking (20 a day +), three years ago! However, I have a question. Is there anyone else who has been hit with negative prejudice towards their vaping? More so recently, I have found that vaping is BANNED in a lot of places such as airports, airlines, pubs, clubs, transport (the list goes on). Yet I still read claims on ecigs - that it is NOT covered by the UK smoking ban and you can vape anywhere smoking is banned.

I find this not to be the case through my own experiences and that which I have read in the papers. I am finding fewer and fewer places now (as opposed to when I started vaping) who actually 'allow' me to vape. I understand it's at the managers discretion, but surely being banned from vaping is totally unfair. One excuse I was given was: "It's unfair on smokers who have to go outside."

My local airport USED to allow vaping in the bars etc - now it's BANNED. It's the same with a few pubs/clubs. I am interested to know of others experiences regarding this.

(Someone once said to me: Go into an aeroplane toilet and vape! Duh! What's the point of hiding it - like it's a class A drug? I'm sorry, I don't see the point of doing that.)

With vaping, I THOUGHT I would be able to enjoy the freedom of enjoying my nicotine hit in those places (ALL OF THEM) where smoking regular cigs is banned.

It seems to me that Vaping will soon be banned too :(
Hi CathrineUK and first of all welcome to the planet :)

I must admit i have had no problems with vaping in almost all areas, including the channel ports (tunnel & ferry) as well as Pubs ,clubs, bowling alleys and even Asda, the only time I have been refused was in the Oswestry McDonalds, I always explain what I am doing and hand out cards from vendors, so not sure why your getting such bad luck, What area of the UK are you from, perhaps there are other folk here near you that know of places where vaping is allowed, anyway welcome again and chin up and keep the faith :) .
It can sometimes depend on what sort of E-Cig you're using. if it's the sort that look like cigarettes and light up red at the end, you may find it's banned in more places than if it were something like the E-GO batteries/Atomizers.
Hi CatherineUK and welcome to the forum.
Im afraid there has been a lot of negative biased and lazy press and if you're up to date with the background you will know about the influence of Big Pharma who stand to lose from the rise of ecigs as their useless ineffective and expensive NRT products sell less and less. Several shortsighted countries around the world have banned their use in some shape or form. The latest EU proposal is frankly nuts and we are fighting it.I expect this may explain why some establishments don't allow it. There are some hopeful signs though. Check out our in the news sections, the ECITA and ECCA pages and sites. I have written to all my MEPs and got the support of three to fight the EU nonsense.
Sadly while of course the smoking ban doesn't apply to ecigs it is still as you say a discretion thing for each establishment. It doesn't mean we can Vape anywhere. I don't Vape where I didn't smoke.
'Its not fair on the smokers who have to go outside' is an interesting one! How about unfair on the Vapers to have to stand with the smokers and breathe in their smoke?
Dont be too down. :)
I vape all over the place, but I also do not vape where I cant smoke UNLESS I am told I can, I vape in Bingo halls, a couple pubs ect.

Where you can vape on private property is up to the landlord/owner, if they say no, then it's a no. Fact of the matter is, they arent educated about the product, have no clue and assume that "If it looks like smoking, it must be smoking." It's a case of ignorance and most pleas to these kinds of people fall on deaf ears.

Check out the organization ECITA who is actively campaigning to ensure that ecigs are not banned. Lots of information posted in our News and Health and Legal Section.

Have a look on our Wiki tab up top for studies related to ecigs as well :)

Welcome to the Planet too!
I know vaping#s been banned by Weatherspoons (and so avoid them) but have never had a problem (yet) at a UK airport - though I am sure some zealot puritanical pleasure-hating neo-nazi will implement something (which airport did you have trouble at?). You would think that given the stress going without a cigarette causes smokers UK airports would encourage vaping (but there again UK airports don;t have smoking rooms, whihc many European ones do).
I know vaping#s been banned by Weatherspoons (and so avoid them) but have never had a problem (yet) at a UK airport - though I am sure some zealot puritanical pleasure-hating neo-nazi will implement something (which airport did you have trouble at?). You would think that given the stress going without a cigarette causes smokers UK airports would encourage vaping (but there again UK airports don;t have smoking rooms, whihc many European ones do).

Hi :D

Is this recent with Wetherspoons? That is the one place here, I WAS permitted (Though the last time I was there was about December last year) Have they changed their policy? Or is it still owner discretion? My vaping ban was at Glasgow Airport (Intl). But they USED to allow it, now vaping it's banned. I laughed, I THOUGHT they were joking! (this was in the bar).
I am different from most vapers here, I think LOLOLOL. I turned to Vaping when smoking was banned, so that I COULD Vape - where the smoking ban was in place. I WANTED to Vape, where I was not allowed to smoke. This was the pleasure for me, to vape and enjoy it in pubs,clubs etc - and NOT have to go into shelters or stand outside with the smokers (In that case, I'd have been as well sticking to the regular cigs).

To those who asked I am in the Glasgow area of the UK. My ecigs are 510 Tank, black with blue or green light. They do not look like cigarettes at all. Hope that helps :D
I find with my egos or my bigger mods that I dont get asked and if I do, its more or less to say "Bleeding hell thats massive!"

I started vaping because I couldnt afford to smoke, I don't really give a shyte where I can and can't vape. I frequent places I can, avoid places I can't and try to educate along the way.
Hi Catherine UK. I most certainly wouldn't advocate vaping to minors,but I was recently and very discretly vaping away at a family roller skating event in a local sports hall. Some parents did notice me and it was interesting to observe their reactions. I wasn't on the receiving end of any scowels whatsoever. A lot of people didn't even bat an eyelid because I suspect they already had a certain awareness of e-cigs and thus probably appreciate the advantages to all over burning tobacco. On the whole I got looks of curiosity. Upstairs in the bar nobody seemed to care. I think if people can't smell it they're less likely to have a problem with it. To the untrained eye it can look like smoking,particularly from afar,but who the hell in their right mind would light up a real tobacco fag in a sports hall full of kids? Obviously the venue is there to promote health,whereas a pub like Weatherspoons exists with the sole purpose of selling the most damaging,family-wrecking (yet perfectly taxable) drug on the planet,being alcohol. Talk about double standards ;-) Obviously I wouldn't want kids taking an interest in vaping,so I think it's just a judgement call on the vaper's part in the absence of signs prohibiting the use of e-cigs. Clearly a lack of education on the subject is at the root of the problem and we live in a world where,sadly,kneejerk reaction towards matters which are misunderstood is commonplace. In all walks of life,rules have a habit of being implemented by people who don't take all the facts into consideration and in this case,it's our challenge to promote awareness of e-gig facts,which is something I often find myself doing ;-) Vape and enjoy.....wherever you can :clapping:
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