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Banned From Vaping?

cute,as soon as you are challenged or questioned its OMG they are attacking me and throwing toys out of the pram because they disagree.

I merely asked a hypothetical to clarify exactly what your position is, then proceeded to add my thoughts on not only what that entails but also what your certainty it would work says about the society in which we live.

What you actually said can be expressed as a series of decisions laid out here as a routine for a computer.

One: ask person performing action you dislike to stop.
TWO: Logic gate has he stopped Y/N IF Y GOTO 2A - IF N GOTO 2B
TWO A: Miscreant stopped, routine successful end routine.
TWO B: Action is still occurring, report to higher authority, has this worked Y/N GOTO 3
THREE: Has Activity stopped IF Y 3A IF N 3B
THREE A: Higher authority has stopped action end routine
THREE B: Activity Ongoing, GOSUB "
FOUR: Has Sub succeeded Y/N GOTO 5
FIVE: Has activity stopped Y/N IF Y 5A IF N 5B
FIVE A: Authority coerced by subroutine "RP" Activity Stopped
FIVE B: Activity ongoing, Error Moral High Ground Failed GOTO SIX
SIX: Leave ANDOR Sulk ANDOR Complain Higher

GOSUB "Imply you are member of the target activity group and claim some moral authority/highground in order to use social and moral pressure to label opponent as unreasonable and that he/she should be asked to stop, also implying that his actions are not one of a real/considerate member of the community"

You openly admitted that you had no intention of respecting the vapers decision. You said that whatever answer you were given by the vaper you would force them to stop. If that's the case why bother asking? If I say no when you ask me to stop you will go to an authority figure intending to have them make me stop.

Just because I chose to post my thoughts on what your comments meant in a wider scope than simply vaping you seem to think that I am attacking you or somehow am being childish. As for your comment to Raguri by immediately belittling his opinion of you and his question as to your motives, that is unfair. When discussing an issue personal and professional bias is something that cannot be overlooked. Where one draws their paycheck from does have a large influence on their outlook and world view. If for example your wages depended on the sale of hybrid vehicles you would naturally have a bias in discussion about pollution issues want to focus on the damage that vehicles do rather than allowing the debate to move to industrial pollution as that would open up areas of discussion potentially damaging to your finances

As for big tobacco investing in ecigs, that is a whole separate issue and Raguri is right to raise the point that the tobacco industry has a vested interest in ecigs being seen in a negative light but also keeping them labelled as smoking as it means their lobbyists then can "speak for ecig users" and control legislation and image.

At first I thought you merely had not read much of the high level research into the technology and were simply being cautious but the more you post the more you remind me of the Anti crowd in other areas of my hobbies, where feelings are what matters not facts and as soon as someone doesn't march in lockstep with their views or theyare being disagreed with you respond with "I'm being attacked" "you need to grow up" "your paranoid" "a bitter clinger" and other deflections which mean you can appear the victim and therefore control the debate.
Grow up raguri....I think if you read the rules of this forum it asks members to act in an adult maner without throwing childish insults around.
Its my personal views & if im a user of e-cigs & juice then it would be hypocritical of me to put any opinion if I was involved with any of those organisations youve mentioned.

You might want to read the news on a more regular basis, you cant include tobacco companies in the list of yours.... Big Tobacco companies invest in E-Cigs

So, why exactly did you think the comment was aimed at you?
Trust me, big tobacco aren't in it for the health side, or to help vapers. They're in it to make money, and to try and get it medicinalised. Bat, are very fucking close to doing this as well.
However, why say that you'd ask a landlord to stop someone vaping? I've converted so many people whilst at the pub, and the landlord actually likes me using it as I've usually got Manabush for the pub... xD

Ps. I do read the news mate, and yeah, read above.

Yet another edit below.
Also, as for reading the rules, trust me, I know them. But you're telling me phantom acting childish? I'm the youngest on the forum mate, yet I'm still acting more mature.
Was gonna hold back a bit but since my.trains late, sod it.
Vaping indoors is at the owners discretion, it's his business after all. I personally wouldn't vape in a pub where I haven't asked and where I don't know the owner of the pub. Unless I am with other vapers and they've asked already. So yeah, why the negativity? It's not your choice to make, its there's, and if you complain the chances are, they're going to loose customers.
A pub near me actually encourages them, and has asked me on a couple of occasions to explain them to their staff to stop them going on fag breaks .

As mentioned above, b.a.t aren't in it to help, nor are any other tobacco company. They're in it for one thing. Money. Simple as that mate. Don't even stop to think if they care about you, they don't.
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So, why exactly did you think the comment was aimed at you?
Trust me, big tobacco aren't in it for the health side, or to help vapers. They're in it to make money, and to try and get it medicinalised. Bat, are very fucking close to doing this as well.
However, why say that you'd ask a landlord to stop someone vaping? I've converted so many people whilst at the pub, and the landlord actually likes me using it as I've usually got Manabush for the pub... xD

Ps. I do read the news mate, and yeah, read above.

Yet another edit below.
Also, as for reading the rules, trust me, I know them. But you're telling me phantom acting childish? I'm the youngest on the forum mate, yet I'm still acting more mature.
Was gonna hold back a bit but since my.trains late, sod it.
Vaping indoors is at the owners discretion, it's his business after all. I personally wouldn't vape in a pub where I haven't asked and where I don't know the owner of the pub. Unless I am with other vapers and they've asked already. So yeah, why the negativity? It's not your choice to make, its there's, and if you complain the chances are, they're going to loose customers.
A pub near me actually encourages them, and has asked me on a couple of occasions to explain them to their staff to stop them going on fag breaks .

As mentioned above, b.a.t aren't in it to help, nor are any other tobacco company. They're in it for one thing. Money. Simple as that mate. Don't even stop to think if they care about you, they don't.

Youngest on the forum? Sounds like a challenge to me!
Youngest on the forum? Sounds like a challenge to me!

18, bring it ;)
Jesus, I'm 18 and I am more logistically minded than that guy...

Ps, Jedi, I fucking love you xD logic in arguments = instant win.
shucks, twas nut'n
Im quite happy for people to disagree with me, but if theyre seeing my opinion as a personal attack on them then Id like to point out that it isnt.
Ive said my opinion.....vaping in public places should have the same restrictions as cigarettes....end of.
I'll leave you kiddies to play ;-)
You are really playing the smug anti very well there mate. Is there a guide or a training course? You all sing from the same fecking hymn sheet regardless of what it is you dislike. Accusations of attack and digs, on descending remarks and constantly saying 'i'm leaving' yet sliding in one last snide comment even as your promising you are leaving. Still monitoring the thread and making your leaving take 4 pages and twenty posts.

Literally word for word the same as the typical antis I have debated hunting and airsoft and firearms with. Noone in this thread considers your opinions ill informed as they may be as a personal attack. So don't worry your pretty little head while adults are talking about public perceptions of vaping.
I think smoking indoors should be landlords discretion but I bet you will tell me loudly thay I am childish and wrong for believing in free choice and the right of a private business to do as they see fit.

You think they should be restricted like cigarettes that's fine just don't demand I stop when you are 'gracing' me with your presence.
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