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Banned From Vaping?

Im quite happy for people to disagree with me, but if theyre seeing my opinion as a personal attack on them then Id like to point out that it isnt.
Ive said my opinion.....vaping in public places should have the same restrictions as cigarettes....end of.
I'll leave you kiddies to play ;-)

And yet the restrictions on smoking in public places, if applied to vaping, are something you'd still complain about. I find very few bars or pubs where the smoking area is far enough away from the entrance that the smoke doesn't waft in. The same goes for walking past any indoor public establishment, the door is surrounded by smokers and we are forced to walk through that every day.

Yet you complain more vocally about vaping than smoking because it is "new" the change is something you don't like. Yiu think that because we exhale a visible substance that we must be grouped with smokers and regulations applied as such.

If that is the approach you take then people who drink coffee every morning should be sent to a "caffeine anonymous" group. Anybody who drives a car should require training in a formula vehicle. When riding s pedal bike you should require full leather motorbike kit.

The point here is that just because some similarities are shared with smoking they are by no means the same thing and should not be regulated as if they are.

If everything was classified on vague similarities you may end up in prison or dead because you know, you're a human and you dislike some people, Hitler was the same. So by your logic you should be treated and regulated just as Hitler was just for sharing similarities.
Im quite happy for people to disagree with me, but if theyre seeing my opinion as a personal attack on them then Id like to point out that it isnt.
Ive said my opinion.....vaping in public places should have the same restrictions as cigarettes....end of.
I'll leave you kiddies to play ;-)

In one of the pieces you linked earlier,I quit reading the instant I saw "Mr Stanton Glantz" name,this idiot's opinion is NOT worth reading!

Because you linked a piece from Glantz,I didn't bother looking at the 2nd link.

If you believe that this moron is qualified to dictate how vaping should be regulated the same as smoking,then I can understand why you would (as a vaper) interfere in other peoples lives by dictating to higher authorities that the person you'd seen vaping indoors refused to cease when asked.

The 2nd link has also been discredited by vapers,the heat required to produce carcinogens would only be produced when a "dry-hit" occurred.

I think you should cease participating in this debate until you have read all the studies and the responses from Glantz to people questioning his "evidence". He won't engage with with anyone that disagrees with his opinion,he blocks them on any of the social media. In much the same way,you say you're leaving if people disagree with you.
In one of the pieces you linked earlier,I quit reading the instant I saw "Mr Stanton Glantz" name,this idiot's opinion is NOT worth reading!

Because you linked a piece from Glantz,I didn't bother looking at the 2nd link.

If you believe that this moron is qualified to dictate how vaping should be regulated the same as smoking,then I can understand why you would (as a vaper) interfere in other peoples lives by dictating to higher authorities that the person you'd seen vaping indoors refused to cease when asked.

The 2nd link has also been discredited by vapers,the heat required to produce carcinogens would only be produced when a "dry-hit" occurred.

I think you should cease participating in this debate until you have read all the studies and the responses from Glantz to people questioning his "evidence". He won't engage with with anyone that disagrees with his opinion,he blocks them on any of the social media. In much the same way,you say you're leaving if people disagree with you.

Mr Glantz definitely is worth reading. In fact I would strongly encourage every person who has even a basic background in science to find an article that mentions him and read it avidly.

Once you have read the article in its entirety I want you to scroll back up and click on each of the links in the text. Keep clicking until you have read each of the scientific papers on which the report is based.

Then judge for yourself whether you feel Stanton Glantz deserves the title of scientist. When I first read the news articles that Chiefnutter has read and saw the response of vapers to the name Stanton Glantz I was sceptical. I suspected the vapers were simply biased against a scientist that disagreed with them.

If anyone else is thinking this I would recommend they stop reading the news articles/media reports/journal articles in isolation and start clicking through the links. Judge for yourself what the research into ecigs is finding. Don't trust media reports whether they are published in the daily mail or some fancy medical journal, read the papers written by the scientists who performed the experiments and studies. Personally I found this a very enlightening experience and I now look forward to the work of Stanton Glantz because whilst imo he is the worst excuse for a scientist I have ever come across, a man who epitomises the phrase 'lies, damn lies and statistics' he does provide well linked articles that allow me to reach the truth of the original data.
Mr Glantz definitely is worth reading. In fact I would strongly encourage every person who has even a basic background in science to find an article that mentions him and read it avidly.

Once you have read the article in its entirety I want you to scroll back up and click on each of the links in the text. Keep clicking until you have read each of the scientific papers on which the report is based.

Then judge for yourself whether you feel Stanton Glantz deserves the title of scientist. When I first read the news articles that Chiefnutter has read and saw the response of vapers to the name Stanton Glantz I was sceptical. I suspected the vapers were simply biased against a scientist that disagreed with them.

If anyone else is thinking this I would recommend they stop reading the news articles/media reports/journal articles in isolation and start clicking through the links. Judge for yourself what the research into ecigs is finding. Don't trust media reports whether they are published in the daily mail or some fancy medical journal, read the papers written by the scientists who performed the experiments and studies. Personally I found this a very enlightening experience and I now look forward to the work of Stanton Glantz because whilst imo he is the worst excuse for a scientist I have ever come across, a man who epitomises the phrase 'lies, damn lies and statistics' he does provide well linked articles that allow me to reach the truth of the original data.

Been doing that for a long time, he really is an ideologically warped individual. It's people like him that have tarnished the name of science.

Sent by Harbinger from the edge of the Apocalypse...
@Cheifnutter it is your choice not to vape around others and to take that stance that people should not vape around others due to perceived risk for yourself. .. however it is not for you to dictate to others on what choice they should make just because they decide differently to you... if you feel vaping is that unsafe then don't vape... pure and simple

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I would also point out that my great grandfather smoked 30 a day and lived in to his 90's .

Because he smoked you may ask?

No it's because he didn't stick his nose in other people's fucking business and lecture people.

Go and get shitty with me in a cafe before my first brew and first fix hit of the day and see how well that goes. :16: Bethan is not a happy bunny before she gets the meds.

I call them meds because they are what keeps me from snapping and killing every moron I meet. :umm:
Is it just me that thinks @Cheifnutter is just on here to troll?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I don't doubt he does exactly as he says and paints himself as reasonable and uses that to imply that vape rs as a whole support the bans.

After all it wouldn't be the first AstroTurf movement like that like the 'Sportsmen for reasonable gun control' or the 'Veterans against the war' who do and say things to further their own agenda. I bet he gets all hot and bothered in his shorts just imagining how 'reasonable' he will look after demanding a vaper stop vaping and being told to take his opinon write it out longhand then roll up the paper into a tube with sharp corners and then insert it in his back passage.

And how awful he can make the average vaper look to the authorities and therefore further his all for regulation. I mean if he is the same unreasonable twerp in the flesh as he is online he is going to invite abuse and being called out which unfortunately if he sucks up to the authority figure makes it look like he is the reasonable one.
Quite possibly. .. but he has been very insulting to some of tge long standing and knowledgeable people on here... when his own argument is completely emotive and not at all evidence or logic based...

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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