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Battery question noobie to vaping.

reducing the resistance of the head it will transform the vape, what do you mean by this? (sorry but im only a noob to vaping)
I'm not doing anything at the mo except drinking tea so I'll give you a quick run down...

The head in your Protank (and many others) is a piece of wick soaked in ejuice, and wrapped around it is a coil of wire. Putting electric current across the wire heats it up (like an electric bar fire) thus vapourising the liquid. The thickness and length of the "wrapped around" piece of wire determines it's resistance to current, ie how much power it needs to make it red hot. Going back to my old physics teacher ("walk on the left boy!", and "don't light those gas taps again boy!"), there's three things come into play here - volts, current and amps, and changing any one of these changes the characteristics, and therefore how much oomph it needs to get hot.

So, basically, increasing the volts makes more heat across your head, which makes more vapour being burnt, which makes for a better vape - and VV batteries achieve this. However, if your head has lower risistance, then it'll be hotter at lower voltages, and your standard eGo produces lower voltage, so it achieves similar. There's a point where the juice starts to taste burnt tho, hence it's handy to vary your volts. Some juices are better at different volts from others etc.

There's more to it, but that's the basics. And I apologise if you already know all this, I'm not trying to offend :)
That's a great answer Alan, I am a engineer so I understood the general jist of how they work but it was nice ti have my thoughts confirmed by someone who knows about e-cigs. My only issue now is if I use a lower resistance head will that effect the taste and hit of the vapour?
if I use a lower resistance head will that effect the taste and hit of the vapour?
Yes, both will get better IMHO.

You're barking up the right tree tho - try a VV battery and see how it goes, they're great for out n about. Between the OH and I we have 2 standard eGo's, a Spinner, a Twist, 2 Vamo's, 2 Provari's and a UDT-L. The OH uses the standard eGo's out n about (but will replace them with Spinners when they wear out) and I use the Spinner and Twist. The Vamo's and Provari's are all we use at home - wouldn't be without them.

Or order a little wire and wick tester pack and try some rebuilds on your Protank. You'll probably get into rebuilding eventually anyway (isn't it mandatory for engineers to take things apart? lol) and you're only risking a tenner or so.
Marvalous, so are all the batteries interchangable between tanks? Or do you need adaptors? Do you have a link to the wick and wire tester packs?

Oh and yeah your right about being a engineer only problem is I like to use a hammer lol. On a serious note I will probably get into rebuilding the heads myself as time goes on.
are all the batteries interchangable between tanks? Or do you need adaptors?

Do you have a link to the wick and wire tester packs?
Have a look at the top of your eGo battery, there should be two sets of threads - a small inner (510 thread) and a larger outer (ego thread). Most of the basic kit has ego threading, and most of the advanced stuff has 510, so you're good to go with your existing ego's, or the VV ego you linked earlier. You can get 510 to ego adapters for a couple of quid which you'd need if you wanted to have, for example, an evod on a Provari.

Have a browse around vapegear.co.uk or themeshcompany.com (and many others) for wick and wire. I use 0.20mm kanthal wire and a combination of 1mm, 2mm and 3mm silica wick (I use one 2mm wick and two 1mm wicks for Protank builds, others prefer 3mm). Others also prefer ecowool or cotton wicks but I've not personally tried them. In theory you only need maybe 2 inches of wire and an inch of wick for your Protank but you'll be surprised how quick a half metre runs out so if you think you'll get into rebuilds I'd recommend getting 5 or 10 metres of each. There's lots more tips to rebuilding too but maybe save that it's own thread.
No worries Alan

Check out the how to section Fella all needs for re-coiling and re-wicking in there and any question and issues most ppl on here do it so ask questions someone will try to help
Thanks for the info guys that's great, just one other bit I've just been offered a sigelei 19e brass edition MoD, so was wondering if it is worth while getting this?
sorry I cant comment on that device maybe someone will @ some point
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