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Battery wrapping

After 4 years of vaping I've never had to rewrap a battery until today. Somehow (I think Mrs Ace did it getting it out of the sleigh) I ended up with a gash down the side of the wrap

I'd brought some wrap tubing years ago from Fasttech so I had to hunt to find them

I will, admit, it took me 3 attempts. First attempt the positive end wrap hardened & didn't go along the top of the cell, second attempt I used to much wrap so the positive end was covered too much, third attempt I think I nailed it, it's charging now so I think it went to plan

Because I used the tubing that was as a metre length, I had to cut it to size, I started at 73mm & worked down to 71mm

Its is a very daunting task but I knew this day would come some day & it is a really easy job ( & kinda fun) so please don't put it off people
Hair dryer, oven glove done in 3mins, it is satisfying when you finish your first one, 2nd attempt worked for me, just them pesky insulators on the positive end flying off, you did remember to put the insulator back on
Hair dryer, oven glove done in 3mins, it is satisfying when you finish your first one, 2nd attempt worked for me, just them pesky insulators on the positive end flying off, you did remember to put the insulator back on

I was looking out for it when I took the wrap off but it was glued in, I double checked the wrap too & it wasn't it there to make sure

It's a Fogstar cell so I guess that's what Ben does
I double wrap my batteries , not 100% sure its completely safe , but ive had no issues what so ever, just throwing that caveat in there.

Havent had a single rip since i did it and also obviously gets rid of the insulator issue.
I double wrap my batteries , not 100% sure its completely safe , but ive had no issues what so ever, just throwing that caveat in there.

Havent had a single rip since i did it and also obviously gets rid of the insulator issue.

Yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with that so long as it's not so thick the battery doesn't go into your mod
rewrapping really isn't that hard you can buy the wraps on ebay already cut down , all you need is a hairdryer just dont lose the insulator ring and make sure the battery doesnt come into contact with anything metal and you'll be absolutely fine.
Can anyone help me i have a couple of battries on the verge of blowing my face off and none of the local shops will re wrap the most helpful one said its not hard but if it goes wrong can be pretty dangerous so is it worth me trying to do it myself or push out further to look for someone that will do it for me ?
And if its worth trying myself anyone got a trusted tutorial i clould follow

u can buy them
Re-wrapping 21700's is a bit tricky, noticed I always get a slightly raised seam.
For those of us who don't have a hairdryer in the house are there other options?
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