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Became intolerant to vaping after a decade


Aug 18, 2024
Been lurking here and reading similar threads for a few days, so just thought I'd share my own journey.

Smoked cigs from about age 15 to 30 (I'm 42 now). As soon as e-cigs hit the market, I switched over. Started on those funny little metal ones with the glowing end which looked like a real cigarette, and then as the tech progressed, move through a series of devices, eventually settling on a Oxva Velocity pod system with 0.3 coils. Vaped the custardy liquids, loved the taste, the clouds.

I'm not sure when it happened, but a couple of years ago I became aware that when I lay down at night on my side, I'd have to clear mucus from my throat for a good 10-15 minutes before I could fall asleep. It might have been going on for longer, but that's just when I started to notice. I just put it down to the vapour condensing in my throat over the day, and being cleared out, I considered it reasonable cost of doing business, as it were - but in hindsight, I guess it was an early warning. I was clearing my throat slightly every few minutes, all day long, without really realising I was doing it.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, and all of a sudden every time I vape, it feels like it's coating my entire throat in a thick layer of mucus, which I would have to aggressively clear my throat, scores of times, over the next 2 hours to clear out.

By process of elimination, I narrowed it down to *mostly* being a VG problem. Liquids with any amount of VG in them (including 100% pure VG with no flavour or nicotine in it) would cause severe mucus lasting 1-2 hours. 100% PG causes *some* phlegm, but it's looser, less severe, and gone in 10-15 minutes.

I've always been a "chug monstrous clouds DTL as deep as possible" style of vaper. My last chance saloon is going back to MTL, 100% PG (with some menthol in it, 100% PG tastes awful even with flavours mixed) + 100% PG base nicotine, lowering the watts, and seeing if I can tolerate that. If not, it's the end of the road.

After basically stopping vaping for 4-5 days, I really became aware how often I'd been clearing my throat, for years, and now that it is clearing up, it's much more obvious when I hit a test vape how it comes back. So the only way I'll continue now is if my last chance method causes zero phlegm - if it causes any at all, I'm going to be extremely aware of it.

It's life, I must accept what I cannot change. But I'm pretty miserable about it, vaping giant clouds of sweet custardy liquid, and keeping a gentle nicotine buzz going all day had just become such an ingrained part of my psyche, it feels like a limb has gone missing.
Hi @Hoodlum and welcome to the planet.

strange one, as for me im coming upto 10 years soon and my daily staple of at least 50ml a day is custard and then a few fruits here and there. there are some that cant alergic to vg but i have no idea if it can just start out the blue after vaping for years.
what custards have you been vaping? V1 has diacetyl in it which is suposedly banned in the uk but i still use it if i can get it. it gives that creamier taste.
vg gives the clouds while pg gives the throat hit and carries the flavour. im guessing you was vaping high vg at higher wattage above 25watts so when using 100pg thats best at mouth to lung at much lower wattage like 10-14watts.

now i do have to clear my throat in the morning but mine is due to sleeping with my mouth open so it totally dries out.
hope someone else can come up with a better explenation.
Hi @Hoodlum and welcome to the planet.

strange one, as for me im coming upto 10 years soon and my daily staple of at least 50ml a day is custard and then a few fruits here and there. there are some that cant alergic to vg but i have no idea if it can just start out the blue after vaping for years.
what custards have you been vaping? V1 has diacetyl in it which is suposedly banned in the uk but i still use it if i can get it. it gives that creamier taste.
vg gives the clouds while pg gives the throat hit and carries the flavour. im guessing you was vaping high vg at higher wattage above 25watts so when using 100pg thats best at mouth to lung at much lower wattage like 10-14watts.

now i do have to clear my throat in the morning but mine is due to sleeping with my mouth open so it totally dries out.
hope someone else can come up with a better explenation.
Thanks for the reply buddy.

I'd been vaping Mrs Lords, then Custard Monster, then Johnny Creampuff from the US (plus tons of others I forget now). Some were 50/50 PG/VG, most 30/70 PG/VG.

I vaped 100% VG unflavoured no nicotine liquid (just pure base) as an experiment, and that set my lungs off just the same as the custards - so it does seem to be VG intolerance. But also a little PG intolerance as well, to make things worse!

I hope the lower wattage MTL is more tolerable with the 100% PG setup, getting my new tank tomorrow to give it a try. Vaping it DTL on 40W was pretty nasty.
hope it works for you fella. dont know what id do if i had to give up my custards as got at least 7 litres at the moment.
A similar thing was mentioned in a thread ages ago, doesn't sound quite as bad as yours though: https://forum.planetofthevapes.co.uk/threads/high-vg-and-phlegm-production.171145/

I really feel your pain mate, I'd be gutted if I had to give up.

Not really related, other than it being very random, but I have a friend who swears that if he vapes freebase nic liquids it gives him almost instant piles. So 18mg salts = fine, but 3mg freebase = ouch.
My tale of woe started last year when I became intolerant to nicotine and caffeine. Double whammy. Was getting massive brain fog and anxiety. Am still vaping 0mg but it's not the same anymore.
A similar thing was mentioned in a thread ages ago, doesn't sound quite as bad as yours though: https://forum.planetofthevapes.co.uk/threads/high-vg-and-phlegm-production.171145/

I really feel your pain mate, I'd be gutted if I had to give up.

Not really related, other than it being very random, but I have a friend who swears that if he vapes freebase nic liquids it gives him almost instant piles. So 18mg salts = fine, but 3mg freebase = ouch.

I tried nicotine pouches as a substitute (a poor one, it has to be said) and they make me run for a #2 first thing - but piles is a new one, that sounds awful!

My tale of woe started last year when I became intolerant to nicotine and caffeine. Double whammy. Was getting massive brain fog and anxiety. Am still vaping 0mg but it's not the same anymore.

Yeah that sucks pal, at least I can still drink my black coffees. 0mg vaping is pretty unsatisfying, like breathing fresh air

hope it works for you fella. dont know what id do if i had to give up my custards as got at least 7 litres at the moment.

Thanks pal, 7l is a lot, you're well-stocked!
Small update - I had assumed I had just (for some reason) become intolerant to all vaping - VG worse than PG, but even PG gives some mucus.

However, then the same thing (2 hour attack of thick mucus) has happened after eating a couple of times in the last 3-4 days now. Which got me thinking - this is more like I've just become more generally allergic to things that hit my throat, rather than just vaping alone.

I scratched my head and thought what had changed recently in my diet/lifestyle, and the only thing new is creatine supplementation, which I started 3 or so weeks ago.

Did a bit of Googling, and lo and behold, creatine is implicated in multiple studies as exacerbating allergic responses in the airways:

I also found a number of anecdotal reports on Reddit of people saying they started experiencing thick mucus after supplementing with creatine.

At the moment, this is just a hunch, but it's quite a big coincidence and there is evidence to support it.

I'll stop taking creatine today and monitor the situation - it can take 4-8 weeks to clear out the additional creatine from your body after supplementation however, so I'll have to wait a while before I can know one way or the other.
Small update - I had assumed I had just (for some reason) become intolerant to all vaping - VG worse than PG, but even PG gives some mucus.

However, then the same thing (2 hour attack of thick mucus) has happened after eating a couple of times in the last 3-4 days now. Which got me thinking - this is more like I've just become more generally allergic to things that hit my throat, rather than just vaping alone.

I scratched my head and thought what had changed recently in my diet/lifestyle, and the only thing new is creatine supplementation, which I started 3 or so weeks ago.

Did a bit of Googling, and lo and behold, creatine is implicated in multiple studies as exacerbating allergic responses in the airways:

I also found a number of anecdotal reports on Reddit of people saying they started experiencing thick mucus after supplementing with creatine.

At the moment, this is just a hunch, but it's quite a big coincidence and there is evidence to support it.

I'll stop taking creatine today and monitor the situation - it can take 4-8 weeks to clear out the additional creatine from your body after supplementation however, so I'll have to wait a while before I can know one way or the other.
That sucks. But glad that you've found an avenue for investigation. It sounds like an unpleasant thing to be living with.
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