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Best RDA for flavour?


Apr 29, 2016
Hey guys!

Im here to pick a few of the experienced peeps brains abit...

Basically, Ive been using a Mad Hatter V2 dripper, but i dont really seem to be getting great flavour from it. Ive tried dual claptons, 28g, 26 etc and also closing off the airflow to a minimum but something just isnt there. Ive been kind of spoilt with great flavour using a modded subtank mini rba (opened 4 tiny airholes to 2 big ones, made holes on sides bit larger and also vertical coil) and although an RDA is supposed to have unmatched flavour, its night and day compared to my subtank mini rba.

So, is there an RDA anybody here can recommend which will assist me in getting banging flavours? Im not so concerned as to the amount of vapor production i achieve.

Your inputs are greatly appreciated!
Flavour attys (it's always subjective), Kennedy 24, Xephos, Tsunami, Sapor. I a big under the coil Airflow kinda girl.
The vector is my current favourite for flavour, they're available for a very reasonable price now too
The Little Boy works well for me. It's a fairly low set side airflow and isn't too airy. Very nice. The Royal Hunter deserves a mention too. Nice tidy little atty.
the DotMod Petri v2 gives me really good flavour and it is really easy to build.
Sapor is one of the best I have used for flavor and it's not expensive either. Freakshow mini with broadcast is great too but you won't get Claptons in there!
There are loads, but how you coil and wick is more important than your atty to be honest. My favourite attys for flavour are the Freakshow and Tsunami. Pretty much the same flavour experience as the Kennedy which everyone seems to rave about, and a hell of a lot cheaper.

Building your coils depends on whether you're using a mech or regulated. On a single battery mech, a simple dual parallel 26g 2.5mm 7 or 8 wrap depending on your battery works a treat. On a regulated, a 2.5 or 3mm 26/35g fused clapton works great, and a 24/35g fused clapton if you can handle builds as low as 0.1 works even better, but can get a little toasty in some RDAs.
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