You can solve a lot of airflow probs with an airflow controller. It's a twisty thing that sits inbetween the mod and the tank and lets you adjust the airflow without making your tank loose. Will set you back less then three of your english pounds from lots of vendors.
Has the added bonus of protecting the threads on the mod from many screwings.
To VV or to VW. I use watts. I find it means I have to adjust the settings less often. I still change the settings depending on the time of day, my mood, how many swallows are flying due north, etc but I don't need to remember what resistance atty I've got on it, or that a 1.8ohm coil works better for me at 4.1V a 2.2ohm at 4.6V I just set it 8watts and then adjust up or down to taste from there depending on how I feel.
What resistance to use? - generally speaking lower is better up to a point. If you use watts then it doesn't really matter. Higher resistance attys will drain your battery faster, but having said that I find that lower resistance coils vape better for me, the sweet spot being 1.5 to 1.8ohm on a VW regulated device. If your higher resistance coil has more wraps in it and you have more wick coverage as a result then it'll vape better than a low res coil with fewer wraps. (The more coil there is in contact with the wick the more liquid you can vapourise at a time, so the better the vape)
If I'm coiling something for a mech mod I aim at about 1.1 1.2ohms or thereabouts but that's cos the battery is giving the coil a tad under 4v most of the time and I prefer something around 10watts for the liquids I use in that.