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best wattage voltage for for the vamo

Lower ohms means you can vape at a lower voltage to achieve the same power. Power mode on the Vamo automatically adjusts voltage to maintain the wattage you have set, when you change the ohms of your coil. I vape at 9.5W using 2.4ohm Vivi Nova.
Sounds like an airlow problem, have you tried loosening your tank by a quarter turn, a bit more airflow will improve juice flow on bcc type tanks - I actually get something similar with the Kayfun - not enough juice so it vapes a bit dry, I'm still dialling in the airflow for this new setup...:banghead:

nice tip, many thanks
what i can recommend is DUALCOIL @ 2.2 or 2.4 Ohm @ 4.2-4.5Volt this will be in 8-10 watt with no burnt/dry hit taste awesome vapor but remember dualcoil if its single coil then go for 2.4ohm at 4.5volt its a nice sweet spot if dual then 2.2ohm 4.2-4.4volt
Lower ohms means you can vape at a lower voltage to achieve the same power. Power mode on the Vamo automatically adjusts voltage to maintain the wattage you have set, when you change the ohms of your coil. I vape at 9.5W using 2.4ohm Vivi Nova.
i also use 2.4ohm and vivi nova but at which voltage do u run this at?
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