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Boge LR XL Cartomiser


Jul 26, 2012
Hi everyone.
A quick review of the Boge LR XL Cartomiser.

There is not a lot to say about a cartomiser, hence the 'quick review' lol

At 45mm in length, the XL Boge fits,comfortably, into a DC Tank. Good news for those that prefer single coil
carto's over dual coils.
Performance is exactly the same as the tried and tested 'old faithful' standard size LR boge's.
At a resistance of 2.4 oHm's (average) I suppose the Boge XL is 'medium resistance rather than low,but it's
just low enough to give excellent performance from standard 3.0 - 3.7 volt batteries.

The big 'plus' for the XL's over the standard,35mm' lr boges, is their life span. They realy do seem to
go on and on. Start off with a fresh 50ml bottle of your favourite juice, and a new Boge LR XL carto in a tank and you won't be changing the carto until your 50ml bottle of juice is empty. That's being conservative, as, at the present time, I'm using
an LR XL boge in a 6ml tank and I'm half way through a second 50ml bottle of juice, so that's 75ml of
liquid vaped through one XL boge, without any loss of perfomance.

Timewise, that means that a 2-3 week lifespan is well on the cards although it's up to the user whether or not you use one 'to the death'.

I have no idea how the LR XL Boge performs 'as is' ie, un-punched and used as a standard cartomiser as I have only
used them in tanks.

*Disclaimer - This is a personal review of the Boge LR XL Cartomers that I purchased myself,for my own use.. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of this website, planetofthevapes.co.uk
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Cartos like to be nice and wet so use in a tank always prolongs their life. Even so that's a lot of juice through one carto cheersm8 with no drop off? When it does die give it a decent burial cos that's one he'll of a carto :D
great review
The extra life may well be just due to the extra length, Markyd43. So far, the one I'm using is still fizzing and popping like a new one, without even a hint of a 'gurgle'. No doubt somebody will pull one to bits and compare the construction to a standard length boge. They do wick exteremly easily so maybe those thriftful chinese are being economical with the wadding with the XL's. lol
I have a few of the XXLs for the Gripper mod and they are outstanding. Liberty flights have them.
Length is good ;)
so its all about length and the wetter the better....no, its just too easy :)
Quick update - I'm using boge LR XL cartos (in a 6ml dcc tank) and boge LR standard length cartos in a 3ml 35mm tank and the XL's are easily out performing the standard 35mm ones. Still love the old faithful LR standard length boges cos they are what I cut my vaping teeth on. I'm just chuffed to find a carto that suits me for use in the DCC tanks as I just don't seem to have much luck with dual coil cartos.

And heres a funny thing! I purchased my pack of Boge LR XL's as XL's and they arrived with XL on the box. Decided to get myself another pack and it seems that XL's don't exist! Bit of an X Files moment!
What I purchased as XL's are, in fact XXL's! So everythiong I have written above about XL's is also applicable to the XXL's seeing as they are the same blooming thing!
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