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Boris proud

If you haven't already seen it, JO did a comparison of Trump and Boris last year

Im no Boris fan, but I agree with what he said. BLM is being used by people who want to cause trouble and prob don't give a shit about BLM.
I couldn't agree more. The Far right have been at the base of most trouble. Odd that. Considering they claim to be the ones defending society. Have a look at their antics in Scotland a week or so back. Leaves you in no doubt who the violent thugs are. And they ain't from BLM.
It's ironic that it's Johnson, and people like him, that have caused all of this. Fat, comfortable, ineffectual white racists, who are terrified things might change. And they won't, automatically, get the best of it.
Every action creates a counter reaction it will never end i fear. There is good and bad and there's racists in all creeds and colours . Historic events have a nasty side to them but shouldn't be used as an excuse for anything, Germany 80 years ago killed millions of people does the world still hold a grudge?. Police brutality does happen to all backgrounds
Current life is what matters as well as the future. What needs to change ?.
Many things but from all walks of life from politicians, the police. The whole of criminal law first of all needs changing and updating to make an even playing field and remove nonsence laws on a worldwide basis. Those in a position of trust who break the law should be more severly punished than Joe Bloggs. This would make a difference as corruption is the cause of most of the worlds problems.
Yeah agree about the far-right 100%, What we need to remember is there were riots before they got involved, highly promoted by the far left.

Center is the place to be...
I can't really criticize the gov policies too much, we've had very low amount of cases in my area and no new deaths in the last 3 weeks. Our local hospital has been coping fine and one of my best mates is a nurse up there and he's fine too. We are all working with the same guidelines and rules aren't we.... maybe too many people just aren't following them?
ooops, sorry wrong thread? I thought this was about covid but it's about racism now?
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