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UK Incremental Smoking Ban (Tobacco & Vapes Bill) Starts Journey Into Law

Toby iVapour

Jul 12, 2012
Rishi Sunak's plan to ban anyone born after 2009 from buying cigarettes is starting its journey into law.
The Tobacco and Vapes Bill means anyone turning 15 this year, or younger, will never legally be sold cigarettes.
And whatever you think of Boris, he certainly has a turn of phrase -
Boris Johnson, has previously criticised the plans as "barmy," arguing the 2009 cut-off will lead to a "smoking apartheid," with some adults allowed to carry on buying cigarettes and others not.

EDIT: added Bill link -
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It will be a complete farce when it comes to implementing and enforcing this but then none of the politicians involved in passing this legislation will be around when that happens.
They are trying to bring Churchill into the argument now (FFS) -

Churchill would have backed Sunak’s smoking ban, suggests Health Secretary​

Her remarks come as Mr Sunak faces the prospect of “up to 100 MPs” as well as several senior ministers refusing to back his legislation, which will be debated in the Commons on Tuesday.
I also note (my emphasis in bold) -
Under the plans, the legal age at which people can purchase cigarettes will rise annually from the age of 18. Disposable vapes will also be banned outright, while reusable ones will be limited to four flavours.
Stating the limit to 4 flavours like that's a fact?
They are trying to bring Churchill into the argument now (FFS) -

Churchill would have backed Sunak’s smoking ban, suggests Health Secretary​

I also note (my emphasis in bold) -

Stating the limit to 4 flavours like that's a fact?
Churchill would say:
"Never in the field of health versus taxes was so many screwed by so few" - or something similar.
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