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UK Incremental Smoking Ban (Tobacco & Vapes Bill) Starts Journey Into Law

More from Clive Bates about the Bill here (although it seems pretty all of it he's said before elsewhere) -

And Christopher Snowdon's article about the Tobacco and Vapes Bill Committee -
Mainly referencing the UKVIA response -
The UKVIA has compiled a little document with a handful of the worst lies told by committee members and their guests during the two day hearing.

Could the Tobacco and Vapes Bill be any worse? [Some] MPs hope so.​

The Labour MP Rachael Maskell has put forward an amendment to the Tobacco and Vapes Bill to extend Sunak's prohibition to all nicotine products, including vapes and pouches. The only difference is that the ban on tobacco sales will be for those born after 2008 whereas the ban on nicotine will be for those born after 2014.
The full list of amendments is here (Maskell has put her name to 25 of them).
The Labour MP Rachael Maskell has put forward an amendment to the Tobacco and Vapes Bill to extend Sunak's prohibition to all nicotine products, including vapes and pouches. The only difference is that the ban on tobacco sales will be for those born after 2008 whereas the ban on nicotine will be for those born after 2014.
devil’s advocate point: it’s perfectly logically
coherent, if nobody smokes nobody will need smoking cessation products :)
And I would say to the devil’s advocate, that just because something is banned doesn't mean that nobody uses it...
If there is demand, it just pushes it underground. (Or is that what they want or don't care about?)
And I would say to the devil’s advocate, that just because something is banned doesn't mean that nobody uses it...
If there is demand, it just pushes it underground. (Or is that what they want or don't care about?)

it will be medicalised. you can’t by methadone in the petrol station, for example.
Hmm.. not sure how that would work exactly.. medicalised for those born after 2014, and available in the shops for everyone else?

their thinking is obvs that by the time anyone born after 2014 is old enough to be addicted to fags there will only be few people still using vapes and even fewer smoking (legally). this plan, after all, is to “phase smoking out”. i’m not saying i agree with the logic, just that it is coherent. if smoking is to be “phased out”, the need for smoking replacement consumables also incrementally reduces year on year.

the idea that nicotine should be recreationally available without being a problem is clearly miles off the radar of most folks, and this has been the problem with vapes, and marketing them like a lifestyle choice or a fun nostalgic treat.
this plan, after all, is to “phase smoking out”. i’m not saying i agree with the logic, just that it is coherent.
The main aspect of the phase out will be in the form of phasing out from legal sales to black market or proxy sales.. but they don't seem to care...
The main aspect of the phase out will be in the form of phasing out from legal sales to black market or proxy sales.. but they don't seem to care...

i don’t buy this idea of a huge black market emerging. smoking has already been in decline for ages anyway. new smokers will be rarer and rarer as time passes. if anything this law is pointless, regardless of it being stupid.
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