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UK Incremental Smoking Ban (Tobacco & Vapes Bill) Starts Journey Into Law

There is literally 2 days left to get it through, and the finance bill will take up most of that. Now is the time to write to your MP.
2 days left to get it through?
Or what?
Does it get put on hold for Labour to pick up? (when they get in)

(I have written and had a meeting with my MP about the Bill btw - he abstained.)
2 days left to get it through?
Or what?
Does it get put on hold for Labour to pick up? (when they get in)

(I have written and had a meeting with my MP about the Bill btw - he abstained.)
Every bill that is currently trying to get through in this parliament, has two days left to do so. After that, bills will have to be reintroduced in the new parliament, which gives it a chance to be rewritten from the ground up.

In the event of a hung parliament, Libdems may have some influence over the content of future bills. I was leaning towards voting Libs or Greens anyway, so this seals the deal now.
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Here is my quick message via they work for you.

Dear Ellie xxxx,

I write to you in haste, as now a general election has been called, there only days left to pass bills currently traversing the commons.

The bill of concern is the Tobacco and Vapes Bill. My interest is in the vaping part of the bill as a consumer and former smoker.

The bill has reached the reporting stage, and has strong cross party support. While many aspects of the bill are laudable, some aspects are misguided and will have unintended and detrimental consequences for current smokers looking to make the switch to vaping, and for new vapers who are in the process of making the switch.

I urge you, and your colleagues on the opposition benches not to allow this bill to pass through the commons unchallenged, so that a future government can take the time to fully consider how smokers and vapers can best be served by future laws and regulations.

Yours sincerely,
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Or Labour MP Rachael Maskturd's amendment proposal -
Not surprised, there are some proper cunts in the Labour Party these days.

Edit: Very well put tbf, she's summed up Labour very well...

Rebecca Jones, Liberal Democrat candidate for Hackney North and Stoke Newington adds: “I await the Labour Party banning people born after 2010 from going outside in the sun due to the risk of skin cancer.”
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