I agree,I used to look at all the additional features added to smartphones & think...WHY? as all a fecking phone should do is enable you to call folks....then I got one,& I don't ever phone people,I use it as a portable PC,as a camera and as a storage device for transporting files.It has a barcode reader,I don't understand why,it loves to use up my bandwidth when I'm charging it,and as my ISP decided to offer unlimited cheaper than I was paying for fixed,I no longer care WHAT its doing when I'm not using it.It might well have a stun gun hidden in it,I won't need a stun gun so that's another useless app on my phone.I could have a phone with a "fingerprint reader" to protect it,that would result in my chucking my toys out the pram & jumping on it the first time it did the same as the "touchscreens" in the Job Center and refused to "see" my fingers.The Job Center security guard told me to leave as I was continually punching the fecking terminal trying to get the stupid system to acknowledge I wanted to change page,he nearly ended up sat on his fat arse nursing a broken nose but my GF insisted I left him alone & just left the JC.Technology for technology's sake is a total waste of money IMO,like building a car that does 250 MPH when the UK has a 70 MPH limit.