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BPMODS Pod Mod Lightsaber S and L YouTube review by Vaping 101

Gerrrr. Internal battery! Why, oh why?
I love it, I’ll fully admit. But that puts me off, big time. And kinda kicks the investment part of Bruce's wish, right in the teeth, too.
Gerrrr. Internal battery! Why, oh why?
I love it, I’ll fully admit. But that puts me off, big time. And kinda kicks the investment part of Bruce's wish, right in the teeth, too.
What’s to say BP haven’t already made a bigger version but are waiting to see how the internal battery variant sells first?
What’s to say BP haven’t already made a bigger version but are waiting to see how the internal battery variant sells first?

Hmm maybe I'll wait...

Who am I kidding I've already pre ordered 1 with another on the cards so I have both sizes.
Oh dear, I really want one of these. Haven’t lusted after an item of vape gear in a long time. Lusted, yes lusted [emoji3]
That's it. I can't bear it any more. @Andrew_Vaping_101 I'm coming up there with a damp cloth and some Fairy Liquid. You weren't even building this time. You have no excuses! :rofl::rotflmao:.

But anyway... :goodjob:

I hope the rumoured external battery one is following quickly @dovpo_uk, I'm itching for this.
What’s to say BP haven’t already made a bigger version but are waiting to see how the internal battery variant sells first?
Fair point. I’m sorry, but It’s was just my honest reaction. I realise I can be a bit sarcastic, but not in this case.

however, if I were selling it as a retailer or sales assistant. I can see it doing very well. And it’s name gives segway, to any number of sales pitches.
But it also gives rise to one more big problem. The Term “Lightsaber” is the copyright of Lucas Fims/Disney.
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