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BPMODS Pod Mod Lightsaber S and L YouTube review by Vaping 101

Fair point. I’m sorry, but It’s was just my honest reaction. I realise I can be a bit sarcastic, but not in this case.

however, if I were selling it as a retailer or sales assistant. I can see it doing very well. And it’s name gives segway, to any number of sales pitches.
But it also gives rise to one more big problem. The Term “Lightsaber” is the copyright of Lucas Fims/Disney.
Thankfully I’m not in control of the copyright side but they do employ a copyright guy who hopefully does his due diligence.
Thankfully I’m not in control of the copyright side but they do employ a copyright guy who hopefully does his due diligence.
Sorry, having looked on the interweb, it’s Trademark not copyright. My old memory isn’t what it used to be!:17:
I shall inform the army of copyright lawyers to stand down and go back to bed
I’m sorry. It’s something I’ve always done. If I have an idea, or even just a complicated job to do. I’d sit down and think of all the possible pitfalls, I could. In the full knowledge I was going to be faced with a myriad other pitfalls, that hadn’t occurred to me, as I proceeded. Like solving 1/3 of the problems before you start, if you will.

I fear this approach, often, makes me seem negative. I’m not, but I am trying to curb it.
I’m sorry. It’s something I’ve always done. If I have an idea, or even just a complicated job to do. I’d sit down and think of all the possible pitfalls, I could. In the full knowledge I was going to be faced with a myriad other pitfalls, that hadn’t occurred to me, as I proceeded. Like solving 1/3 of the problems before you start, if you will.

I fear this approach, often, makes me seem negative. I’m not, but I am trying to curb it.
Lol don’t apologise mate
I was just in Vaping101 and @Andrew_Vaping_101 was showing me his Lightsabers.

They look amazing in photos and videos but they're honestly even better in person and feel amazing in hand. I know the word Premium has been thrown around a lot regarding these devices but they're definitely worthy of it.
I was just in Vaping101 and @Andrew_Vaping_101 was showing me his Lightsabers.

They look amazing in photos and videos but they're honestly even better in person and feel amazing in hand. I know the word Premium has been thrown around a lot regarding these devices but they're definitely worthy of it.
I’m surprised he let you kop a feel , not everyone can touch his saber
I was just in Vaping101 and @Andrew_Vaping_101 was showing me his Lightsabers.

They look amazing in photos and videos but they're honestly even better in person and feel amazing in hand. I know the word Premium has been thrown around a lot regarding these devices but they're definitely worthy of it.
Joking apart.

I hope you can see why I’m a bit defensive about it. I don’t push lots of products on folk and lord knows we have had a couple of turkeys in the past but the Saber is really really good
Joking apart.

I hope you can see why I’m a bit defensive about it. I don’t push lots of products on folk and lord knows we have had a couple of turkeys in the past but the Saber is really really good

Don't be on the defensive. Your current products and upcoming ones all look spectacular. You've got every right to boast and show them off to us - we're grateful to be kept in the loop. Be proud of your achievements and don't shy away from them. You're on a roll.
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