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Bulk Making Liquid


May 13, 2014

Considering starting to make my own liquid now as im getting bored of paying more than i should.

Been looking into it and i want to make a few litres of 70VG 30PG 3MG flavorless e liquid and then just add the flavour as and when i need to.

Is this okay to do? Is there anything i need to take into consideration?

Would i literally just make 3ltrs based on a e liquid calculator without any concentrate in?

https://bigjuiceuk.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=53_62&products_id=691 I will be using this concerntrate

and also

But i can see myself wanting to make a few others every so often but dont want to have to keep getting everything out to mix again
only thing i can see is you will need to keep to the same % of flavours or it will throw out the ratios
I'd try it with a 500ml or litre batch first - the flavour might become muted in storage unless you keep it in the fridge/freezer
But what i mean @dave2010 is if i dont put any flavour in
And then when i want to make 100ml for either me or my brother would that be fine to just pour 80ml into a bottle then 20ml of flavouring?
I was wondering this today...the problem I thought about was this. A 10ml 80-20(vg-pg) mix uses no PG (it's all in the flavouring) so if you pre mix a 80-20 then add 20% flavouring you are adding more PG than you wanted, but would it make that much difference???
i mix different nic levels in 80ml and 900ml batches all vg no pg then just add flavour concentrate when needed for 80/20 vg/pg. just store as already stated in a cool place. if you mix a flavourless 80/20 vg/pg and add 20% flavour at a later date you end up with a 60/40 ratio. so the easiest thing to do is mix the desired ratio minus the pg percentage of the flavour concentrate
But what i mean @dave2010 is if i dont put any flavour in
And then when i want to make 100ml for either me or my brother would that be fine to just pour 80ml into a bottle then 20ml of flavouring?

It's fairly simple if you want to keep the same level of nicotine and flavouring. If you're not a maths geek, use a calculator to work out a normal mix and just leave out the concentrate, which you can add later.
@Ment cheers pal, Think ill do that just made a few ltr of 70/30 mix with 3mg nicotine and as you say just add the concentrate as and when i need it
Once you've got the equipment and ingredients there isn't really any need to make mixes "in bulk"
I made the mistake(?) of making large quantities of various mixes when I first go into DIY. I did not consider that, in the future, my vaping tastes would change with regards to how much nic I wanted and what flavours I continued to enjoy.
My cupboard contains a lot of juice that I will never use, either because the nic content is now too high for me, or it's of a flavour that I now regard as crap. Hmmm, dilute the high nic with lower nic mixes and use them? That will only work if you like the flavour! :D :D
These days I only DIY a couple of hundred ml at a time, and make some more when I'm down to about a weeks worth left.
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