Not bad at all to be honest. Vapewise, I just stuck my Kayfun Lite on, and it's comparable to any other mech I've used, including my roller. Obviously, build quality is nowhere near and due to the way the base terminal is constructed, it's a hell of a lot longer in 18350 mode (and presumably 18650). Nice gentle throw on the bottom button. I'd say that mechanically, I'm pleased with it as a first impression. Waiting to see how long the chrome plating lasts though, but I knew what I was buying and if it does all come off then it'll give me an excuse to cover it in pointless pipes and whatnot and then either steampunk it or rat it
As an additional: I just put my Aga-T2 on it, which is set up for VW and it's powering that no problem, admittedly with a fresh battery but still the voltdrop must be very low.