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Clapton coil wire?

If you want a single coil as low as 0.17 I would be careful of flat claptons as chunky single core wires can retain heat for a long time.

A 4 wrap 3mm i.d. 26-3/36 Ni80 Clapton will be at 0.18 ohms, or a 5 wrap at around 0.22 if you consider going a little higher.

Made some of this wire today, my first go at a 3 core clapton, put a single spaced 5 wrap 3mm id in my kylin mini and am very pleased with the result, flavour and cloud output is the best I've had out of the Kylin.

Thank you @Crispycritters :goodjob:

PS. Dna mod tells me it's bang on 0.22 ohms.
Can someone give me some examples of how clapton wire ohms work. Been building with straight round wire and now want to experiment with aliens, claptons etc. However I am confused as to which wire to buy for achieving a dual coil set up at .5 ohms and a single MTL coil at .8-1.2ohms. Presuming i can just use the same stuff for both?

Would ideally just love to see chart with the guages, wraps and ohms so I can get my head around it. If I could just see it I am sure it would all make more sense,
Can someone give me some examples of how clapton wire ohms work. Been building with straight round wire and now want to experiment with aliens, claptons etc. However I am confused as to which wire to buy for achieving a dual coil set up at .5 ohms and a single MTL coil at .8-1.2ohms. Presuming i can just use the same stuff for both?

Would ideally just love to see chart with the guages, wraps and ohms so I can get my head around it. If I could just see it I am sure it would all make more sense,

This should be all you need - https://www.steam-engine.org/wirewiz
Newish myself to anything but simple kanthal coils, but the coils recommended by @Crispycritters above, 26-3/36 Ni80, work very well for me at around 40w with a nice quick ramp up, not exactly the ohms range your looking for but definitely worth a try.
I can only recommend what I like personally, unfortunately 0.50 ohm dual coil builds don't do it for me and I tend to vape dual coil rebuildables at anything from 0.15 Ohms to 0.30 ohms (0.15 builds at up to 80 Watts, 0.30 builds for a lower powered vape in the 50 - 60W range. The only time I would personally use a 0.5 ohm build is in a single coil atty that is fairly restricted.

Personally I recommend you do NOT use the same wires for MTL and dual coil DL vaping - a tiny 1 ohm coil positioned directly above a 0.8 to 1.2mm air inlet will give the ideal low powered MTL vape. If you use two of these same 1 ohm coils to give a 0.5 ohm build you will be positioning tiny coils next to large air ports, most of the air will miss the coils, and you will get a disappointingly weak flavoured vape. You need to use use much larger coils to match the increased airflow and higher power levels.

I've used the following coils (all 3mm i.d.) in dual coil RDAs in the 50 - 60W range-

Dual 7 wrap 26/32 SS316 Claptons (a little over 0.30 ohms - a personal favourite)
Dual 6 wrap 28x2/32 SS316 Double Claptons (around 0.19 ohms)
Dual 7 wrap 24/36 Ni80 Clapton (around 0.28 ohms)
Dual 6 wrap 28x2/36 Ni80 Double Claptons (around 0.33 Ohms)

Ideally you should be using a dual 18650 or single 21700 mod to vape these builds as you would be pushing a single 18650 mod hard. These builds can all handle a higher power setting if you wish but they work fine in the 50 to 60 Watt range.

It can be really confusing at first as there are so many different materials and claptons/fused clapton/staggered fused/staples etc, but I recommend you start with a spool of 24 gauge clapton wire (26 gauge if you use SS316) one simple system I find works well is to look at the ohms per foot quoted on the spool of wire.

Anything below 1 Ohm per foot is thick high power only nutcase wire - best left well alone unless you habitually vape at really high wattages.
1 to 1.3 Ohms per foot - best at 80W and up.
1.3 to 1.7 Ohms per foot - mid range IMO 60 - 80 maybe
1.7 to 2.25 Ohms per foot - good at 50 to 70 for a more relaxed vape.

Generally as the ohms lower the thicker the wires get and you have to increase the power to compensate. Trying to run massive coils at modest power just doesn't work. Personally I recommend you start as simple as possible, don't consider anything below around 1.5 Ohms a foot at first, and just buy a spool of premade clapton wire - 24ga core Ni80 or 26ga gauge SS316 are easy to find and give a decent vape.
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