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Clearomizer alternative


Dec 20, 2019
Hello and thanks for the help in advance.

I am looking for an alternative for my Kanger T2-MN clearomizer.
Looking for something with 510 but Ego would be good as well because i have adapter.
Interchangeable coils would be great because i dont want to change tank every 2 days.
The aspire k1 and K2 tanks are really quite slim - 14.5mm or so, so are clearo sized but flat top. Both are 510. Both have glass tank sections.

The aspire ce5 is more like a traditional clearo but uses changeable coils, the CE5-s has a metal shroud around the tank section. Both use an ego connection. Both have plastic tank sections.

All of these use the same coil range, shared with the spryte pod system. Depending where you get them, coils are £5-10 for a pack of 5.

I get a good couple of weeks+ from these coils, using unflavoured (or very mildly flavoured) juice.
Oh, and all except the k1 has a standard 510 drip tip so you can use a different one if you like.

The ce5(s) is pointy though, so you'll need a slim tip.
Hello again guys i will have a look for the replacement of the suggested above. when this one goes will get aspire but not selected the model yet. Thank you very much for the help
I bought the innokin zlide and cant fault it, £7.50 for 5 pack of plex 3dcoils off a well known auction site and the flavour is way much better than the K3 tank ive got. I can put either 50/50 or 70/30 juice. I was never keen on the k3 as it seemed bland with hardly any flavour.
I bought the innokin zlide and cant fault it, £7.50 for 5 pack of plex 3dcoils off a well known auction site and the flavour is way much better than the K3 tank ive got. I can put either 50/50 or 70/30 juice. I was never keen on the k3 as it seemed bland with hardly any flavour.
Hello Tyke i have zenith tank and MTL RDA and RTA i was looking for a small tank to sit on top of my TECC Arc 5s
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